
ZH Gems - Turquoise Stone Suppliers and Wholesale Turquoise Jewelry Gemstone Company Since 2010  


What about FOB of turquoise belt ?

How large is the order quantity? Where is the destination? You may contact Shenzhen Hong Zheng Technology Limited first; maybe the price can also be "customized". Under FOB, we arrange for the transport of goods to a designated port or other point of origin. Once turquoise belt is released to you and when the goods are onboard the ship, the delivery is considered accomplished. Pricing is just a start of our services. Any problems after the delivery will be solved.

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ZH Turquoise Gemstone takes the leading position of China in the field of gemstone jewelry production. natural gemstone is one of ZH Turquoise Gemstone's multiple product series. ZH Gems cabochon gem is treated with professional dying technique. The coloring agent is evenly distributed to the materials by the means of mechanical heating method. Undergoing some type of treatment, the product becomes stable enough for cutting. ZH Turquoise Gemstone is a leading manufacturer for turquoise cross beads for many years, so quality can be guaranteed. The product is made of 100% natural materials from Zebra Agate mine.

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Quality, as important as R&D, is our top concern. We will put more effort as well as capital in product development and optimization by offering core technologies, personnel, and supportive environment.

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