
ZH Gems - Turquoise Stone Suppliers and Wholesale Turquoise Jewelry Gemstone Company Since 2010  

Customer Meeting​​​​​​​
The year is 2012 I start to do the gemstone business, At that time I know the gemstone area so less. Most of time I learn more and more knowledge from my customer. For this photo they are father and daughter together with my 4 years old daughter, which they come from Germany, they buy some different beads from China to make some craft and art. That time I find more different factories to help us cut the different gemstone beads. From that time to now we all the good friends.
Tom and my daughter together take photos, He is my family good friend, This is first time he visit China and want establish business relationship with Chinese people, I am very good luck to as the first person cooperation with him do the gemstone business. Each time he visit us who will teacher my daughter how to speaking English language, Many thanks for this generosity teacher!
The old brother come from India, this photo is the first time we pick him up by Shenzhen airport, he buy some turquoise beads and cabochons from us, the same time I find the metal factory to support him business. He is very amiableness with us and my family, we keep good friendship many years.
The old and young brother they come from the Middle East, First time we meet each other by HongKong, Before we meet we together do the agate beads business have 3 times. I meet them they tell us somebody say China people is very barbarous. I listen and laugh, then ask them: “How about us? Are we barbarous? ”They say: “you are nice lady! ” So welcome visit China, here people is very amity.
The sister and brother come from Thailand, they are very professional in Silver inlay gemstone jewelry, each year purchase some different gemstones from China, we are the good friends and business partners.
One photo take in my home, the other one is for our together dinner. The brother give my children deeply impress which my son and daughter always ask me: “what is time the beer uncle will come?” Haha “Beer Uncle!” Because this uncle can drink one big bottle of beer. Baby do not know this uncle is very famous in silver area which all make the famous brands silver.
These brother is very professional in sleeping beauty turquoise area, Usually each time they purchase our clean turquoise cabochons 20kg. They are very nice and work hard, if they visit my office, they always ask me together with them QC stones double times. If free time they will teach my daughter how to play the LEGO.
Email: info@TurquoiseChina.com / TurquoiseChina@foxmail.com

Add: Comapany Add: Room 1307 Tower A,Yanlord Dream
Center,Longcheng Street, Longgang District, Shenzhen,Guangdong Province,China 518172
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