
ZH Gems - Turquoise Stone Suppliers and Wholesale Turquoise Jewelry Gemstone Company Since 2010  



Who are we?

1.→Turquoise Gemstone and Turquoise gemstone jewelry---it is my dream.

I was born Hubei Turquoise mine hometow,all my hometown people know turquoise can change money.At that time,somebody deeply turquoise mine;somebody cut turquoise rought to the turquoise beads,turquoise cabochon and turquoise viewings;somebody sale turquoise to the Beijing and Guangdong.

Do turquoise business let my hometown change more and more rich.

I remembered when i am in primary school have some people come from America they buy turquoise from my hometown by many tons one time.

For me have the chance to graduate from university which for thanks turquoise,my father and brother all cut the turquoise and change money for our life.Double confirm i have one great father,I am yonuger he usual tell me please study hard,when you graduate university you can make big turquoise business in the world.

At that time my heart have one dream-hope i will do the turquoise business in the world.


2.→Time is 2005 years,i guaranted Hubei university,at that time if i come back my homotown which i do not know which work i can do.

So that time i and my schoolmate together leave Wuhan of Hubei province and goto Shenzhen city.

Foraround one month we all find work,my major is law which work together with contract.my boy-freind JeamChen as a saler by one trading company.Around 6 monthes my boy-friend get one big order usd$1 million order from Italy.

At this time i am very interesting in his major---electronic commerce.

Each day finish work come back i listen these schoolmates take about their work for sales.

Slowly by slowly i am very love sales work.Each time i called my father we chat for the sales too,he tell me you can try to do turquoise business,he tell me you are younger now everything you can try.

So after 2 years i was not go out to work,time is 2008 years,i get my first turquoise cabochons order from Canada,this order i get the profit usd$10000(rmb80000).At that time,i get married with JeamChen.

His main business is sale the umbrella and pets goods. That year is 2008 all the world meet the financial crisis,life it is not easy,the next year is 2009 our daughter Silvia was born.

The same time we buy our first house in Shenzhen,now this building house is used for our sale-office.

These years the life it is not easy for us,but i learn too much from the network.I know turquoise not only China have but the other countries also have turquoise mine,like the America,Mexico,Russia,Iran,Outer Mongolia and others places.Different places deep out the turquoise all is different, the world turquoise is very colorful!

I love turquoise more and more.


3.→Time is 2012 years,many people send me inquire to buy turquoise from me,Now many questions is coming out,for our no deeply understand what is the grade quality for turquoise cost price and the manufacture cost price too which make big trouble to most of customers.

So year is 2012 and 2013 we start work with the Guanddong factories,for the time go on,we know cut the turquoise rough how much payment,cut the turquoise brick how much payment,make one turquoise bead and turquoise cabochon how much we need payment,make the turquoise bead hole how much need payment.make one turquoise carved how much payment.Step by step we start cooperation with some factories to do some smaller turquoise business.


4.→Until time is 2014 years,i got one order from NY,we cooperation with one factory to do the sleeping beauty turquoise cabochons order.This order i learn too much, not only the turquoise quality standard but also the treatment turquoise ways what is the different.

This time i understand deeply for China turquoise area.That time i understand long time need work hard for the world turquoise.


5.→Time after 2015 years,customers always ask me find different many kinds gemstone,so these years we are not only work for turquoise but also work with the world different kinds gemstone.

For me it is big order my husband no reject i do turquoise and gemstone jewelry,he help me and together with me do the turquoise gemstone and gemstone jewelry.


6.→So time is 2016 years we cooperation with our parnters make a silver and a gold factory;Time is 2017 years we make ourself turquoise and gemstone cut factory.

The main is these years have many partners work with us and teach us many different gemstone and gemstone jewelry area professional knowledges.

I am very happy can work together with these partners.Any business we help each other,any questions we solve together,i love our team and everybody.


What is our credit built on? Why follow our tracks?

1.→For do business what we say we will do with anybody.

Work wogether with us many years customers all have deeply understand.

we try our best to give you the manufacture cost price and add our smaller profit it is ok.AnnaHe take her QC team to use the America QVC quality standard to inspect your goods.We keep the QA samples the same quality as the mass goods quality.

The main any style design we can strict to your order to manufacture the gemstone and gemstone jewelry for you.So have competitive cost price and strict quality standard control,double confirm you work with us you will love us.


2.→Our life is evolved around Turquoise and gemstone jewelry,we love all the world different turquoise,we love all Turquoise and Turquoise Jewelry, old and new from around the globe.

Now we are in China sale different kinds turquoide to the globe and keep our very busying days,we no time go to the foreign to visit all types Turquoise mine as – American, Tibetan, Persian, Mexican and whatever crosses our paths.But now each of two month we will visit China different turquoise mines for studying and do some business for cooperation.

The same many friends come from America invite me to visit them,Many thanks for them invitation,If we are not so busying all days i would like to visit you and your team.


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