
ZH Gems - Turquoise Stone Suppliers and Wholesale Turquoise Jewelry Gemstone Company Since 2010  


Is there any third party doing turquoise belt quality test?

Yes. In addition to the internal quality control team we set up, we also invite a third party performing quality tests on turquoise belt . Nowadays, with the advance of testing devices, defective products are more likely to be detected. Due to the limitation of the plant size and budgets, Shenzhen Hong Zheng Technology Limited tries to seek a third-party testing company to do quality tests with its advanced machines. Of course, it is based on the quality control methods being fully executed by us, which customers can rest assured.

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ZH Turquoise Gemstone is classified into a high-level company producing turquoise round beads. turquoise necklace is one of ZH Turquoise Gemstone's multiple product series. During the designing stage of ZH Gems tube beads, risk assessment is conducted through this inflatable item. Any visible and foreseeable danger of the design will be abandoned immediately. The product contains no harmful substances. At the production stage, the threads used to create the fabric was not treated with any chemical. The product is considered to have healing powers for mental, including stress and depression.

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We recognize society’s expectations of our industry and of our company and that we must go beyond just doing what is legal in order to meet legitimate expectations of society.

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