
ZH Gems - Turquoise Stone Suppliers and Wholesale Turquoise Jewelry Gemstone Company Since 2010 

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chinese turquoise compressed material

Indulge in the captivating allure of the Apple-Green Turquoise Compressed Block.2, a tantalizing gem that transports you to a picturesque oasis. Picture this: an enchanting scene unfolds as the vibrant emerald-colored stone seamlessly graces your presence. Its delicately compressed form embodies beauty and sophistication, while the turquoise hue emanates a tranquil energy, evoking a sense of serenity and absolute elegance.


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    Cat's Eye
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    Elevated Quality, Vibrant Packaging 

    Introducing the Apple-Green Turquoise Compressed Block.2 – a true gem for creative enthusiasts! Its vibrant apple-green hue and compressed block shape make it a stunning addition to your crafts collection. Crafted with exceptional quality, this turquoise block offers endless possibilities for jewelry-making, pottery, and other artistic endeavors.

    ● Aqua Elegance

    ● product desc 2

    ● Nature's Gem

    ● product desc 4


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    Efficient Form, Striking Color

    The Apple-Green Turquoise Compressed Block.2 stands out as a truly one-of-a-kind creation, setting it apart from other products in the market. The distinctive combination of apple-green turquoise and compressed block design makes it a standout choice.
    未标题-2 (16)
    Premium Quality
    Crafted from the finest apple-green turquoise, this product exemplifies the brand's commitment to using only the highest quality materials. This ensures that customers receive a durable and long-lasting product that will retain its vibrant color and smooth texture over time.
    未标题-3 (10)
    Versatile Usage
    Whether used for jewelry making or as a decorative piece, the Apple-Green Turquoise Compressed Block.2 offers endless possibilities. Its vibrant color and exquisite texture make it an ideal choice for creating unique and eye-catching jewelry designs. Additionally, it can also be displayed as a stunning decorative accent, adding a touch of elegance to any space.
    未标题-4 (5)
    Luxurious Craftsmanship
    The superior craftsmanship and meticulous attention to detail that goes into creating the Apple-Green Turquoise Compressed Block.2 sets it apart as a truly luxurious product. Each individual block is carefully crafted, guaranteeing a visually striking experience for customers.


    The Apple-Green Turquoise Compressed Block.2 is a product that offers a unique combination of core and extended attributes. With its vibrant apple-green color and compressed block structure, it stands out as a visually striking and durable decorative item. Its value attributes include promoting a sense of tranquility and enhancing the aesthetic appeal of any space, while its functionality as a versatile decorative piece makes it suitable for various settings.

    ◎ Stunning Apple-Green Color

    ◎ Compact Compressed Block Shape

    ◎ Durable and Versatile


    Application Scenario

    Jewelry Making
    The vibrant Apple-Green Turquoise Compressed Block.2 can be used to create stunning and eye-catching jewelry pieces, adding a vivid touch to necklaces, bracelets, and earrings.
    Art Projects
    Utilize the Apple-Green Turquoise Compressed Block.2 in various art projects, allowing artists to incorporate its vibrant green shade to create visually striking paintings, sculptures, and mixed media artwork.
    Interior Design
    Add a pop of color to interior spaces by incorporating the Apple-Green Turquoise Compressed Block.2 in home decor accessories, such as vases, decorative bowls, and wall accents, creating a fresh and lively ambiance.
    Sculpture and Pattern Design
    The versatility and durability of the Apple-Green Turquoise Compressed Block.2 make it ideal for carving intricate sculptures or creating patterns in architecture and tile designs, enhancing the visual appeal of structures and surfaces.

    Material Introduction

    Introducing the Apple-Green Turquoise Compressed Block.2, a revolutionary product designed to enhance your daily life. Crafted with utmost precision, this compressed block features a striking apple-green turquoise color that adds a touch of elegance to any space. Its unique composition brings a range of benefits to users - from promoting relaxation and tranquility to inspiring creativity and balance, this exquisite product is a must-have for those seeking a harmonious and revitalizing experience.

    ◎ Apple-Green Turquoise Compressed Block.2 - Transformative Elegance 

    ◎ Apple-Green Turquoise Compressed Block.2 - Serene Simplicity

    ◎ Apple-Green Turquoise Compressed Block.2 - Therapeutic Bliss



    What is the Apple-Green Turquoise Compressed Block.2?
    The Apple-Green Turquoise Compressed Block.2 is a type of compressed block made from apple-green turquoise.
    What is the usage of the Apple-Green Turquoise Compressed Block.2?
    The Apple-Green Turquoise Compressed Block.2 is commonly used in jewelry making, especially for crafting intricate turquoise gemstone jewelry.
    How can the Apple-Green Turquoise Compressed Block.2 be applied in jewelry making?
    The Apple-Green Turquoise Compressed Block.2 can be cut, shaped, and polished to create beads, pendants, or cabochons that can be incorporated into various jewelry designs.
    What are the characteristics of the Apple-Green Turquoise Compressed Block.2?
    The Apple-Green Turquoise Compressed Block.2 is known for its vibrant apple-green color, often with natural veining and variations. It has a smooth texture and a lustrous finish when polished.
    Can the Apple-Green Turquoise Compressed Block.2 be used for other purposes besides jewelry making?
    While its primary usage is in jewelry making, the Apple-Green Turquoise Compressed Block.2 can also be used for decorative purposes, such as inlaid into furniture or used as a decorative accent in sculptures or art pieces.
    Is the Apple-Green Turquoise Compressed Block.2 suitable for beginners in jewelry making?
    Yes, the Apple-Green Turquoise Compressed Block.2 is suitable for beginners in jewelry making. Its compressed block form allows for easy handling and shaping, making it an ideal material for beginners to experiment with.
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