
ZH gems - Suppliers Batu pirus jeung borongan Pirus Perhiasan Gemstone Company Kusabab 2010 


Peacock Jade stone Pendant Carved Lan Hong Jade Link, Amulet Mythical Animals Necklace Pendant Jewerly

Peacock  Jade  stone  Pendant  Carved  Lan  Hong  Jade  Link,  Amulet  Mythical  Animals  Necklace  Pendant  Jewerly     

Color:Red, orange-red, orange, orange-yellow, yellow, yellow-green, green, blue-green, blue, blue-violet, purple, purple-red and colorful available
Size:any design Gems Jewelry available
Lead Time:usual 3-7days,we can discuss
samples:usual 3 days available
shipping:by UPS / Fedex available
Customization:OEM and ODM  available
Supply Ability:999999pcs per one style/month available
MOQ: usual 100pcs and talking available
Delivery Time:5 weeks
Delivery Port:SHENZHEN
Price Item:usd$5 to usd$500 per one style,and follow the cost available
Payment Way:T/T;Paypal;Western Union available
Application:Marry/Memorial Day/Cultural collection/Gift/Crafts/Birthday/Valentine's Day//Consumer fashion and others


 Have own Turquoise mine
◆ Nempatkeun Tutuboisik Alkohol
◆ Ngajantenkeun turquoise asli sareng permata gemar di pabrik perhiasan
 Gemstone Material-----Natural Genuine different kinds Gemstone
◆ Metal Material-----------925 sterling silver/14K Gold/18K Gold

Gemstone Area

 Special in natural genuine different kinds Turquoise and gemstone Rough material,beads,cabochons,carved,necklace,bracelet and bangle,pendant,earrings,rings and fashion style turquoise and gemstone inlay silver/Gold jewelry area.

◆ Kindly please send me the design,we can make the same as the design and it is better to calculate the best cost price for you.
Wecome OEM and ODM order.

Gem Earrings Style

◆ Gemstone Earrings usual make as:  

1. Nail earrings:
gemstone four-leaf clover earrings; gemstone double bead earrings; gemstone double C earrings; gemstone bull head earrings; gemstone letter earrings; gemstone plus diamond earrings; gemstone earrings rose flower earrings; gemstones Love Stud Earrings; Gemstone Ceramic Earrings; Gemstone Scalloped Stud Earrings
2. Dangling earrings:
They are all-match styles. They are designed with different lengths and can be well matched with clothes, which can greatly enhance personal temperament.
3. Hoop earrings:
Hoops of different design sizes are made into different styles of earrings, suitable for different personalities.
4. Clip-shaped earrings:
need to use the characteristics of magnets to clip the earrings, specially designed for people without pierced ears
5. Simple linear earrings:
modify the round face and short face, and draw the lines of the face
6.Line Earrings:
mainly to lengthen the neck line, reflecting the overall softness of the person.



Peacock Jade stone Pendant Carved Lan Hong Jade Link, Amulet Mythical Animals Necklace Pendant Jewerly 1

Peacock Jade stone Pendant Carved Lan Hong Jade Link, Amulet Mythical Animals Necklace Pendant Jewerly 2

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Gemstone Jewelry  Characteristics

Natural genuine gemstone jewelry Characteristics:
The inclusions, scratches and other inclusions of natural gemstones are grown in the formation process of hundreds of millions of years. All natural gemstones will have some defects more or less. This is the identification of natural gemstones and artificial gemstones. important features. The amount and shape of its inclusions determine the price of the gemstone. Even if there are some small flaws in its interior, it will not affect its overall beauty, but is an ironclad proof of pure natural gemstones!   



Profil Perusahaan

Téknologi Zenzen Hong terbatas 

Khusus pikeun ngamekarkeun sareng ngahasilkeun 100% permata permata asli sareng gaduh tambang pindang

Khususna dina motong pirus sareng jinis pabrik perawat pabrik permata gemstone sareng gaduh pagawé profésional langkung ti 50 jalmi. 

Khususna dina ngadamel pirus sareng permata pérak perak / emas perhiasan emas.and ngagaduhan pagawé profésional langkung ti 50 jalmi. 

Bsed leuwih 30 taun motong gemstone sareng ngadamel pangalaman perhiasan kalapa kalapa anu tiasa didamel rébuan kaldok anu béda sareng inlay 925sGird sareng perhiasan siga emas .18k and18k and18k and18dver .18k sareng perhiasan siga emas.  

ZH Di sagigireun éta, urang monitor Gemstote digosok sareng ngadalikeun kualitas sareng biaya tina sababaraha prosés produksi. Sadaya ngajamin produk anu ngagaduhan kualitas anu saé sareng harga kompetitif sareng data pangiriman.

Motong urutan pikeun tasfany, QVC sareng HSN anu sadaya pangiriman ku gemstone jisim ku ukuran standar, bentuk tina piron.

Upami anjeun kedah mésér pirus alami sareng gemstone, punten ulah ragu ngahubungi kami. Meuli pirus alami sareng permata ti kami bakal mawa kualitas anu teu kaduga sareng kauntungan;

Upami anjeun ngagaduhan pirus sareng gemse peryogi bantosan kami pikeun motong, mangga ngahubungi kami, profésional kami di turquoise anu mana pengobatan pelanggaran;

Upami konsumén peryogi turqoisis sareng gelostone arlide equide atanapi perhiasan pérak, punten wartosan kami langsung, prosés inlay kami anu diflay kami bakal ngadamel palanggan nostalgia. 

Zh gems pisan yakin yén salami para nasabah sareng kami sareng gawé bisnis, urang bakal janten jangka panjang atanapi bahkan pasangan strategis hirupna. Boss kami Anahe sareng baramchen, klien usaha munggaran, masih pitak strategi sareng babaturan dugi ka 15 taun saatos. Ngan ukur, naon waé kénéhan naon waé gawé bareng sareng hiji perusahaan anu latar budaya sapertos kitu.

Zh Gys ngagaduhan tim jasa profésional pikeun ngajawab masalah pikeun para nasabah .TEMAY, aya langkung ti 10 kolega anu jual urang, sadayana tiasa dianggo sareng budaya anu béda sareng budaya anu gedé, di pasar sareng budaya anu sanés di dunya. Upami anjeun mangrupikeun nasabah profésional, kami tulus Ngabagemor pesenan anjeun, mésér batu alami, sareng mésér gaya perhiasan alam, kami bakal nyayogikeun palanggan sareng jasa anu paling nyuguhan sareng wijaksana.


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Ulasan pelanggan

Peacock Jade stone Pendant Carved Lan Hong Jade Link, Amulet Mythical Animals Necklace Pendant Jewerly 15         

Taun ieu 2012 anu kuring mimiti ngalakukeun bisnis permchone, dina waktos éta kuring terang ayana permetaan kurang. Kalolobaan waktos kuring leam langkung seueur sareng langkung ilmu ti customer kuring. Pikeun poto ieu aranjeunna bapa sareng putri babarengan sareng Putri umur 4 taun, anu aranjeunna asalna ti Jerman, aranjeunna mésér sababaraha manmur anu béda ti China ngadamel sababaraha karajinan sareng karen. Éta waktos kuring mendakan faktor anu langkung ageung pikeun ngabantosan kami motong manik. Ti waktos éta ka ayeuna urang sadayana babaturan anu saé.

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Adin sareng adi asalna ti Thailand, aranjeunna profone pisan di perhiasan kalimepry pérak, unggal taun mésér sababaraha raoseun anu béda ti Cina. Kami babaturan alus sareng mitra bisnis.

Peacock Jade stone Pendant Carved Lan Hong Jade Link, Amulet Mythical Animals Necklace Pendant Jewerly 17         

Lanceuk na sareng budak awéwé aranjeunna asalna ti Wétan Tengah, pertama kalina urang pendak sareng Hongkong, sateuacan urang pendak sareng urang bisnis gaduh 3 kali. Kuring pendak aranjeunna aranjeunna nyarioskeun ka urang nyatakeun jalma Cina Kuring ngadangukeun sareng seuri, teras naroskeun aranjeunna: "Kumaha ngeunaan urang? Naha urang henteu?" Aranjeunna ngomong: "Anjeun neneng awéwé!" Janten Nampi kunjungan kunjungan Cina, di dieu urang sadar.

Upami anjeun gaduh seueur patarosan, nyerat ka kami
Ngan ngantunkeun email atanapi nomer telepon anjeun dina bentuk kontak supados urang tiasa ngintunkeun anjeun FREE kanggo rupa-rupa desain kami!
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