
ZH Gems - iibiyeyaasha dhagaxa Turquoise iyo Jumlad Turquoise Jewelry Shirkadda Gemstone ilaa iyo hadda 2010 

925 sterling qalingle grougle the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the pountletka qalinka 1
925 sterling qalingle grougle the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the pountletka qalinka 2
925 sterling qalingle grougle the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the pountletka qalinka 3
925 sterling qalingle grougle the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the pountletka qalinka 4
925 sterling qalingle grougle the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the pountletka qalinka 5
925 sterling qalingle grougle the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the pountletka qalinka 6
925 sterling qalingle grougle the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the pountletka qalinka 7
925 sterling qalingle grougle the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the pountletka qalinka 1
925 sterling qalingle grougle the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the pountletka qalinka 2
925 sterling qalingle grougle the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the pountletka qalinka 3
925 sterling qalingle grougle the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the pountletka qalinka 4
925 sterling qalingle grougle the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the pountletka qalinka 5
925 sterling qalingle grougle the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the pountletka qalinka 6
925 sterling qalingle grougle the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the pountletka qalinka 7

925 sterling qalingle grougle the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the pountletka qalinka

Waqti qabsashada:
1 - 20 (Gram): 10 (maalmo),>20 (Gram): gorgortanka (maalmo)
Dadka ah:
Logo xirfadda (Mini. Dalabka: 1000 Grams), Baakadaha la habeeyey (min. Dalabka: 1000 Grams), habeynta garaafyada (min. Dalabka: 1000 Grams)

    Oops ...!

    Xogta wax soo saar ah.

    Aad bogga bogga
    lacag bixinta:
    Sicir dhimis
    Kudbad gaaban
    Faahfaahin deg deg ah
    Meesha asalka ah:Guangdong, china
    Magaca Nooca:zh
    Lambarka Moodeelka:P14--AQOONSI: 1600211360265
    Waxyaabaha ugu weyn ee dahabka ah:Qalin
    Nooca Waxqabadka:alwaax ka samaysan
    Jijimooyin ama nooc alwaax ah:Xadhigga cuff
    Jinsi:Ragga's, unsex, haweenka's
    Dhagaxa ugu weyn:Crystal, rhinestone
    Nooca dahabka ah:Jijimooyin, tiirar
    Munaasabo:Sannad-guuradii, ka-qaybgalka, hadiyadda, xisbiga, arooska
    Nooca shahaadada:Kala yaameeysa
    Taabinta:Rose dahab dahab ah oo loo yaqaan, lacag qalin, tittanium-ka ayaa loo habeeyay
    Qaabka \ qaab:Kubbad
    Qaabka:Cast / Sporty
    Nooca diinta:Diinta budhistaha
    Teknolojiyadda Inlow:Gelin aan dhamaadka lahayn
    midab:midab kala duwan ayaa taarici karaa
    Cabbirka:midab kala duwan ayaa sameyn kara
    qaab:Qaab kala duwan ayaa sameyn kara
    Sharraxaadda Wax soo saarka
    925 sterling qalingle grougle the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the pountletka qalinka 8
    925 sterling qalingle grougle the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the pountletka qalinka 10
    925 sterling qalingle grougle the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the pountletka qalinka 12
    925 sterling qalingle grougle the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the pountletka qalinka 14
    925 sterling qalingle grougle the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the pountletka qalinka 16
    925 sterling qalingle grougle the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the pountletka qalinka 18
    Nooca dahabka ah
    Jijimooyin, tiirar
    Nooca shahaadada
    Qaabka \ qaab
    Cast / Sporty
    Nooc diineed
    Diinta budhistaha
    Teknolojiyadda Inlow
    Gelin aan dhamaadka lahayn
    Meesha asalka ah
    Magaca sumcadda
    Nambarka moodalka
    suuxdin darida 3-07
    Jijimooyin ama nooc alwaax ah
    Xadhigga cuff
    Waxyaabaha ugu weyn ee dahabka ah
    alwaax ka samaysan
    Dhagax weyn
    Crystal, rhinestone
    Sannad-guuradii, ka-qaybgalka, hadiyadda, xisbiga, arooska
    Ragga' s, unsex, haweenka' s
    midab kala duwan ayaa taarici karaa
    midab kala duwan ayaa sameyn kara
    Qaab kala duwan ayaa sameyn kara
    Isku xiris& Keenis
    925 sterling qalingle grougle the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the pountletka qalinka 20
    925 sterling qalingle grougle the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the pountletka qalinka 22
    Xidhmo: 1pc / Boorsada, 12pc / weyn opip opt Bag State kartoon, 600pc / kartoon ama kartoonno ama sida uu qabo baahida macaamiisha
    Profile Shirkadda
    925 sterling qalingle grougle the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the pountletka qalinka 24
    925 sterling qalingle grougle the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the pountletka qalinka 26
    925 sterling qalingle grougle the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the pountletka qalinka 28
    925 sterling qalingle grougle the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the pountletka qalinka 30
    925 sterling qalingle grougle the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the pountletka qalinka 32
    925 sterling qalingle grougle the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the pountletka qalinka 34
    Shenckhen Hong Zodeneng oo xadidan ayaa leh macdanta turkhoise, ka hor intaanan kubin doonin Turquoise iyo 925 dahabka dahabiga ah ee Shiinaha, waxaan rajeyneynaa inay ku iibsan karaan dahabkayaga dalkaaga, waxaan rajeyneynaa inaan xiriir ganacsi la sameyn karno. Shenzhen Hong zheng wuxuu ku takhasusay horumarinta iyo soo saarista 100% dhagaxa qaaliga ah ee quruxda badan, sheyga, giraanta, giraanta, giraanta, furaha, khayaanada moodada, Darajada dahabka ah iyo iwm. Macluumaad dheeri ah oo toos ah ama nagala soo xiriir.
    Warqad maqas
    1. Yaan nahay?
    Waxaan saldhig ku nahay Guangdong, Shiinaha, oo ka bilowda sannadka 2012, ii iibinta waqooyiga Ameerika (67.00%), galbeedka Yurub (5.00%), Bariga Yurub (5.00%), Bariga Aasaasiyiinta (Koonfur-bari Aasiya (3.00%). Xafiiskeena waxaa ka jira wadarta qiyaastii 5-10 qof.

    2. Sideen dammaanad qaadi karnaa tayada?
    Had iyo jeer muunad soo-saarka ka hor ka hor wax soo saarka ballaaran;
    Had iyo jeer kormeerka ugu dambeeya ka hor dhoofinta;

    3. Maxaad naga soo iibsan kartaa?
    Turquoise, lonimar, kyanite, aganite, dahabka, dahabka

    4. Maxaad uga soo iibsanaysaa inaanan ka soo iibsan alaab-qeybiyeyaasha kale?
    Waxaan leenahay Shiinaha Turquoise iyo Gaar ah oo aan u sameysanno noocyo kala duwan oo noocyo kala duwan guntin / Cabs / xardho / pentrant / giraan / giraanta / xiidmaha. Waxaan dhagxan u gooynaa QVC, HSN iyo magacyada caanka ah Soo dhawow macaamiisha OEM iyo Amarka ODM.

    5. Adeegyadee ayaan bixin karnaa?
    Shuruudaha Bixinta ee la aqbalay: FOB, CFR, CIF, Exw&# xff1b;
    Lacagta lacag bixinta la aqbalay: USD, EUR, HKD;
    Nooca lacag bixinta ee la aqbalay: T / T, L / C, kaarka deynta, Paypal, Western Union, Lacag;
    Luqadda lagu hadlo: Ingiriisiga, Shiinaha
    Alaabta, bixinta ixtiraam weyn oo loogu talagalay dadka isticmaala, waxay ku leedahay codsi balaaran suuqa adduunka. Alaabtaani waa la rumeysan yahay inay u keento deganaansho iyo xasilloonida nolosha. Soo laabashada dhaqaale ee weyn awgeed, sheyga ayaa noqonaya mid aad u muhiim ah oo si ballaaran loo isticmaalo. Alaabtaani waa la rumeysan yahay inay u keento deganaansho iyo xasilloonida nolosha.
    Faahfaahin Deg Deg ah
    Goobta abuurka: Guangdong, Shina
    Magaaga: zh
    Nambarka mucil: P14-- ID: 1600211360265
    Qalabka ugu muhiimsan ee dahabka: Silver
    Nooca Qalabka: alwaax
    Gacmaha ama nooca Bangles: Gacmaha Katiinadaha
    Karaada: Ragga, Unisex, dumarta
    Dhagax Weyn: Crystal, Rhinestone
    Nooca dahabka: Gacmaha, Bangles
    Wargelidka: Sannad-guurada, Ka-qaybgalka, Hibada, Xafladda, Arooska
    Nooca Shahaadada: GIA
    Duubista: Rose Dahab Dahab ah, Plated Silver, Titanium Plated
    Qaabka: BALL
    Stilka: Casual/Sports
    Nooca Diinta: Buddhism
    Tiknoolajiyada Inlay: Gelin aan dhammaad lahayn
    Midara: midab kala duwan ayaa saxan kara
    Lacaga: midab kala duwan samayn kara
    qaab: qaabab kala duwan ayaa samayn kara
    925 sterling qalingle grougle the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the pountletka qalinka 36
    925 sterling qalingle grougle the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the pountletka qalinka 38
    925 sterling qalingle grougle the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the pountletka qalinka 40
    925 sterling qalingle grougle the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the pountletka qalinka 42
    925 sterling qalingle grougle the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the pountletka qalinka 44
    925 sterling qalingle grougle the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the pountletka qalinka 46
    Nooca dahabka
    Gacmaha, Bangles
    Nooca Shahaadada
    Lacag Dahaaran
    Nooca Diinta
    Tiknoolajiyada Inlay
    Gelin aan dhammaad lahayn
    Goobta abuurka
    Nambarka mucil
    jijin dy  3-07
    Gacmaha ama nooca Bangles
    Gacmaha Katiinadaha
    Qalabka ugu muhiimsan ee dahabka
    Dhagax Weyn
    Crystal, Rhinestone
    Sannad-guurada, Ka-qaybgalka, Hibada, Xafladda, Arooska
    Ragga's, Unisex, Haweenka's
    midab kala duwan ayaa saxan kara
    midab kala duwan samayn kara
    qaabab kala duwan ayaa samayn kara
    Packaar & Geeriska
    925 sterling qalingle grougle the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the pountletka qalinka 48
    925 sterling qalingle grougle the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the pountletka qalinka 50
    Xidhmada: 1pc/ opp bac, 12pc/big opp bac caadiga ah dhoofinta kartoon,600pc/kartoon ama iyadoo loo eegayo baahida macaamiisha
    Xogta Shirkadda
    925 sterling qalingle grougle the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the pountletka qalinka 52
    925 sterling qalingle grougle the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the pountletka qalinka 54
    925 sterling qalingle grougle the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the pountletka qalinka 56
    925 sterling qalingle grougle the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the pountletka qalinka 58
    925 sterling qalingle grougle the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the pountletka qalinka 60
    925 sterling qalingle grougle the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the pountletka qalinka 62
    Shenzhen hong zheng technology Limited waxay leeyihiin macdan turquoise u gaar ah, ka hor inta aanan iibin turquoise ah iyo 925 dahab dahab ah oo dahab ah ee Shiinaha, Hadda waxaan rajeyneynaa in aan ka iibin karno dahabkayaga dalkaaga, Waxaan rajeyneynaa inaan xiriir ganacsi la yeelan karno. Shenzhen hong zheng technology Limited waxay ku takhasustay horumarinta iyo soo saarista 100% dhagax qaali ah oo qaali ah iyo gemstoneJewellery.Our Product ka mid ah: turquoise gemstone qallafsan, kuul, Cabochon,925 dahab dahab ah, silsilad, silsilad, Pendant, siddo, Rondels, dahabka, dahabka, Fashion dahabka wanaagsan iyo iwm. Kahor inta aan alaabtayada lagu iibin suuq-geynta Shiinaha, Hadda waxaan rajeyneynaa inaan ku iibino badeecadayada suuq-geynta adduunka sababtoo ah qiimaha tartanka, tayada wanaagsan iyo xogta gaarsiinta degdega ah. Ku soo dhawaada booqo website-kayaga (www.TurquoiseChina.com) Macluumaad dheeraad ah oo la cusbooneysiiyay ama nala soo xiriir si toos ah. Kooxdayada xubinta ka ah warshada waxay kula kulmi doonaan ku qanacsan adeeggooda ugu fiican. Waxaan rajeyneynaa inaan helno fursad aan kula shaqeyno dhawaan.
    1. yaan nahay?
    Waxaan ku saleysannahay Guangdong, Shiinaha, ka bilow 2012, iibinta Waqooyiga Ameerika (67.00%), Galbeedka Yurub (15.00%), Bari Yurub (5.00%), Oceania (5.00%), Bariga Aasiya (5.00%), Koonfur Bari Aasiya (3.00%). Guud ahaan waxaa xafiiskayaga jooga 5-10 qof.

    2. sideen u dammaanad qaadi karnaa tayada?
    Had iyo jeer muunad wax-soo-saar hore ka hor wax-soo-saarka guud;
    Had iyo jeer Kormeerka ugu dambeeya ka hor inta aan la rarin;

    3.maxaad naga iibsan kartaa?

    4. Maxaad nooga iibsan weyday alaab-qeybiyeyaal kale?
    Waxaan leenahay China Turquoise mine iyo gaar ah samaynta noocyo kala duwan si dabiici ah Gemstone kuul / Cabs / xardhay / Pendant / Dhegta / giraanta / aagga dahabka silsilad. Waxaan dhagaxyo u jarnay QVC,HSN iyo noocyada caanka ah Ku soo dhawoow macaamiisha OEM iyo dalabka ODM.

    5. adeegyadee ayaan bixin karnaa?
    Shuruudaha keenista la aqbalay: FOB, CFR, CIF, EXW;
    Lacagta Bixinta La Aqbalay:USD,EUR,HKD;
    Nooca Lacag-bixinta La Aqbalay: T/T, L/C, Kaarka deynta, PayPal, Western Union, Cash;
    Luuqadaha lagu hadlo: Ingiriis, Shiine
    Alaabta, oo siinaya itimaalka weyn ee isticmaalayaasha, ayaa codsi ballaaran ku leh suuqa caalamiga ah. Alaabtan ayaa la rumeysan yahay inay keento degenaansho iyo xasilooni nolosha. Soo noqoshadeeda dhaqaale ee muhiimka ah awgeed, badeecadu waxay noqonaysaa mid aad iyo aad muhiim u ah oo si ballaaran loo isticmaalo. Alaabtan ayaa la rumeysan yahay inay keento degenaansho iyo xasilooni nolosha.
    Xiriirka ah
    La xirid
    Kaliya ku dhaaf iimaylkaaga ama lambarka taleefankaaga foomka xiriirka si aan kuugu soo dirno xigasho bilaash ah oo loogu talagalay noocyada kala duwan ee naqshadeena!
    Customer service