
ZH Gems - Fornituri tal-ġebel tat-turkważ u Kumpanija tal-ġebel tal-ġojjellerija bl-ingrossa tat-Turquoise peress 2010 

wholesale Apple Red Coral 4mm 6mm 8mm Round shape beads and smooth gemstone strings 1
wholesale Apple Red Coral 4mm 6mm 8mm Round shape beads and smooth gemstone strings 2
wholesale Apple Red Coral 4mm 6mm 8mm Round shape beads and smooth gemstone strings 3
wholesale Apple Red Coral 4mm 6mm 8mm Round shape beads and smooth gemstone strings 4
wholesale Apple Red Coral 4mm 6mm 8mm Round shape beads and smooth gemstone strings 5
wholesale Apple Red Coral 4mm 6mm 8mm Round shape beads and smooth gemstone strings 6
wholesale Apple Red Coral 4mm 6mm 8mm Round shape beads and smooth gemstone strings 1
wholesale Apple Red Coral 4mm 6mm 8mm Round shape beads and smooth gemstone strings 2
wholesale Apple Red Coral 4mm 6mm 8mm Round shape beads and smooth gemstone strings 3
wholesale Apple Red Coral 4mm 6mm 8mm Round shape beads and smooth gemstone strings 4
wholesale Apple Red Coral 4mm 6mm 8mm Round shape beads and smooth gemstone strings 5
wholesale Apple Red Coral 4mm 6mm 8mm Round shape beads and smooth gemstone strings 6

wholesale Apple Red Coral 4mm 6mm 8mm Round shape beads and smooth gemstone strings

Dijametru tal-Oġġett:
daqs tal-kampjun 6mm
Ħin taċ-ċomb:
1 - 1000 (Grammi): 7 (jiem),>1000 (gramma): negozjabbli (jiem)
US$ 1.50/Gram, 100 Gramm (Min. Ordni)
Pakkett bl-ajru
Logo mħassra (Min. Ordni: 3000 Gramm), Ippakkjar apposta (Min. Ordni: 3000 Gram), Personalizzazzjoni grafika (Min. Ordni: 3000 Gramm)

    Oops ...!

    L-ebda dejta dwar il-prodott.

    Mur fil-paġna ewlenija
    Quick Details
    Certificate Type:GIA
    L-isem tad-ditta:ZH Gems
    Place of Origin:Philippines
    Model Number:A0062-62404906239
    Gemstone Type:Natural
    Gemstone Color:aħmar
    Gemstone Material:Red Coral
    Gemstone Shape:round
    Gemstone Size:normal
    Gemstone Weight:normal
    Treatments Applied:Waxing/oiling
    Optical Special Effects:shiny light
    Item Height:normal
    Hole Diameter:normal
    material:all is 100% natural
    shape:different shape can make
    Quality:different quality can make
    size:different size can make
    sample size:6mm
    Deskrizzjoni tal-prodott
    wholesale Apple Red Coral 4mm 6mm 8mm Round shape beads and smooth gemstone strings 7
    wholesale Apple Red Coral 4mm 6mm 8mm Round shape beads and smooth gemstone strings 9
    wholesale Apple Red Coral 4mm 6mm 8mm Round shape beads and smooth gemstone strings 11
    wholesale Apple Red Coral 4mm 6mm 8mm Round shape beads and smooth gemstone strings 13
    wholesale Apple Red Coral 4mm 6mm 8mm Round shape beads and smooth gemstone strings 15
    wholesale Apple Red Coral 4mm 6mm 8mm Round shape beads and smooth gemstone strings 17
    wholesale Apple Red Coral 4mm 6mm 8mm Round shape beads and smooth gemstone strings 20
    wholesale Apple Red Coral 4mm 6mm 8mm Round shape beads and smooth gemstone strings 22
    wholesale Apple Red Coral 4mm 6mm 8mm Round shape beads and smooth gemstone strings 24
    wholesale Apple Red Coral 4mm 6mm 8mm Round shape beads and smooth gemstone strings 26
    wholesale Apple Red Coral 4mm 6mm 8mm Round shape beads and smooth gemstone strings 28
    wholesale Apple  Red Coral 4mm 6mm 8mm Round  shape beads and smooth gemstone stringsShenzhen hong zheng technology Limited is specialized in developing and producing 100% genuine precious stone and gemstoneJewellery.Our product include: turquoise gemstone rough, Beads,Cabochon,925 silver jewellery,Necklace,Bracelet,Pendant,Rings, Rondels,Keychain,fashion jewelry,fine jewellery and etc.Before our goods sold in China marketing,Now we hope to sale our product in the world marketing due to its competitive prices,good quality and prompt delivery data.Welcome to visit our website (www.TurquoiseChina.com)for more updated information or contact us directly.Our factory member team will meet your satisfactory with their best service.We look forward to having the chance to cooperate with you soon.
    1. who are we?
    We are based in Guangdong, China, start from 2012,sell to North America(67.00%),Western Europe(15.00%),Eastern Europe(5.00%),Oceania(5.00%),Eastern Asia(5.00%),Southeast Asia(3.00%). There are total about 5-10 people in our office.

    2. how can we guarantee quality?
    Always a pre-production sample before mass production;
    Always final Inspection before shipment;

    3.what can you buy from us?

    4. why should you buy from us not from other suppliers?
    We have China Turquoise mine and Special in making different kinds naturally Gemstone Beads/Cabs/Carved/Pendant/Earring/Ring/Necklace jewelry area. We cut stones for QVC,HSN and famous brands Welcome customers OEM and ODM order.

    5. what services can we provide?
    Accepted Delivery Terms: FOB,CFR,CIF,EXW;
    Accepted Payment Currency:USD,EUR,HKD;
    Accepted Payment Type: T/T,L/C,Credit Card,PayPal,Western Union,Cash;
    Language Spoken:English,Chinese
    It is a leading and driving force in the market. It can benefit the whole body, with strengths in healing ailments of the immune, respiratory system. The reliable quality of the product ensures stable development prospects. It can benefit the whole body, with strengths in healing ailments of the immune, respiratory system.
    Ħarsa ġenerali
    Dettalji ta 'malajr
    Tip ta' Ċertifikat: GIA
    Isem il-marka: Ħaġar prezzjuż ZH
    Post tal-oriġini: Filippini
    Numru tal-mudella: A0062- 62404906239
    Tip Gemstone: Naturali
    Kulur Gemstone: aħmar
    Materjal Gemstone: Korall Aħmar
    Gemstone Forma: tond
    Daqs tal-gemstone: normali
    Piż tal-gemstone: normali
    Trattamenti Applikati: Waxing/oiling
    Effetti Speċjali Ottiċi: dawl tleqq
    Għoli tal-Oġġett: normali
    Dijametru tat-Toqba: normali
    materjal: kollox huwa 100% naturali
    forma: forma differenti jistgħu jagħmlu
    Kwalità: kwalità differenti tista 'tagħmel
    Daqs: daqs differenti jista 'jagħmel
    daqs tal-kampjun: 6Mhux inqas minn 0,5 mm
    Deskrizzjoni tal-prodott
    wholesale Apple Red Coral 4mm 6mm 8mm Round shape beads and smooth gemstone strings 30
    wholesale Apple Red Coral 4mm 6mm 8mm Round shape beads and smooth gemstone strings 32
    wholesale Apple Red Coral 4mm 6mm 8mm Round shape beads and smooth gemstone strings 34
    wholesale Apple Red Coral 4mm 6mm 8mm Round shape beads and smooth gemstone strings 36
    wholesale Apple Red Coral 4mm 6mm 8mm Round shape beads and smooth gemstone strings 38
    wholesale Apple Red Coral 4mm 6mm 8mm Round shape beads and smooth gemstone strings 40
    wholesale Apple Red Coral 4mm 6mm 8mm Round shape beads and smooth gemstone strings 43
    wholesale Apple Red Coral 4mm 6mm 8mm Round shape beads and smooth gemstone strings 45
    wholesale Apple Red Coral 4mm 6mm 8mm Round shape beads and smooth gemstone strings 47
    wholesale Apple Red Coral 4mm 6mm 8mm Round shape beads and smooth gemstone strings 49
    wholesale Apple Red Coral 4mm 6mm 8mm Round shape beads and smooth gemstone strings 51
    bl-ingrossa tat-tuffieħ  Qroll Aħmar 4mm 6mm 8mm Round  forma żibeġ u gemstone kordi lixxi Shenzhen hong zheng technology Limited hija speċjalizzata fl-iżvilupp u l-produzzjoni ta 'ġebel prezzjuż 100% ġenwin u gemstoneJewellery.Our prodott jinkludu: gemstone lewn mhux maħduma, żibeġ, Cabochon, ġojjellerija tal-fidda 925, Necklace, Bracelet, Pendenti, Ċrieki, Rondels, Keychain, ġojjellerija, moda ġojjellerija multa u eċċ. Qabel l-oġġetti tagħna mibjugħa fis-suq taċ-Ċina, Issa nittamaw li bejgħ tal-prodott tagħna fil-kummerċjalizzazzjoni dinjija minħabba l-prezzijiet kompetittivi tagħha, il-kwalità tajba u d-data tal-kunsinna fil-pront. Merħba biex iżżur il-websajt tagħna (www.TurquoiseChina.com) għal informazzjoni aktar aġġornata jew ikkuntattjana direttament. It-tim tal-membru tal-fabbrika tagħna se jiltaqa 'ma' sodisfaċenti tiegħek bl-aħjar servizz tagħhom. Aħna ħerqana li jkollna ċ-ċans li nikkooperaw miegħek dalwaqt.
    1. min ahna?
    Aħna bbażati f'Guangdong, iċ-Ċina, nibdew mill-2012, ibiegħu lill-Amerika ta 'Fuq (67.00%), Ewropa tal-Punent (15.00%), Ewropa tal-Lvant (5.00%), Oċeanja (5.00%), Asja tal-Lvant (5.00%), Asja tax-Xlokk (3.00%). Hemm total madwar 5-10 nies fl-uffiċċju tagħna.

    2. kif nistgħu niggarantixxu l-kwalità?
    Dejjem kampjun ta 'qabel il-produzzjoni qabel il-produzzjoni tal-massa;
    Dejjem Spezzjoni finali qabel il-ġarr;

    3.what tista tixtri mingħandna?
    Turkważ, Larimar, Kyanite, Agate, Ġojjellerija

    4. għaliex għandek tixtri mingħandna mhux minn fornituri oħra?
    Għandna Ċina Turquoise minjiera u Speċjali fit-teħid tipi differenti naturalment Gemstone Żibeġ / Kabini / Minquxin / Pendenti / Earring / Ring / Necklace dehbijiet żona. Aħna naqtgħu ġebel għal QVC, HSN u marki famużi Merħba lill-klijenti OEM u ODM ordni.

    5. liema servizzi nistgħu nipprovdu?
    Termini ta' Kunsinna Aċċettati: FOB, CFR, CIF, EXW;
    Munita tal-Ħlas Aċċettata: USD, EUR, HKD;
    Tip ta' Ħlas Aċċettat: T/T, L/C, Karta tal-Kreditu, PayPal, Western Union, Flus Kontanti;
    Lingwa Mitkellma: Ingliż, Ċiniż
    Hija forza ewlenija u li tmexxi fis-suq. Jista 'jibbenefika l-ġisem kollu, b'saħħa fil-fejqan ta' mard tas-sistema immuni, respiratorja. Il-kwalità affidabbli tal-prodott tiżgura prospetti ta 'żvilupp stabbli. Jista 'jibbenefika l-ġisem kollu, b'saħħa fil-fejqan ta' mard tas-sistema immuni, respiratorja.
    Kuntatt magħna
    Ħalli l-email jew in-numru tat-telefon tiegħek fil-formola ta 'kuntatt sabiex inkunu nistgħu nibagħtulek kwotazzjoni b'xejn għall-firxa wiesgħa ta' disinji tagħna!
    Customer service