
ZH Gems - Turkuaz tosh yetkazib beruvchilar va turkuaz zargarlik buyumlarini ulgurji sotish kompaniyasi 2010 

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100% Natural Rough Turquoise Material 1
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100% Natural Rough Turquoise Material

Rang: ko'k, yashil, sariq, rangli va mavjud

Element diametri: 2mm-100mm yoki undan kattaroq mavjud 

Yetkazib berish vaqti: odatiy 3-7 kun, biz muhokama qilishimiz mumkin

namunalar: ha  mavjud

Yuk tashish: UPS / Fedex va  mavjud

Moslashtirish: hammasi yaxshi

Hajmi: aralashmaning o'lchami odatda 10 mm dan 1000 mm gacha yoki undan kattaroq 

Yetkazib berish qobiliyati: 500000 KG


Yetkazib berish muddati: 5 hafta

Etkazib berish porti: SHENZHEN

Narxi: 10 USD/kg dan 5000 AQSh dollari/kg

To'lov usuli: T/T

Ilova: Nikoh / Xotira kuni / Madaniy to'plam / Sovg'a / Hunarmandchilik / Tug'ilgan kun / Sevishganlar kuni / / Iste'molchi modasi va boshqalar


    Oop ...!

    Mahsulot haqida ma'lumot yo'q.

    Bosh sahifaga o'ting
    Turquoise Area 

    ◆ Special in natural genuine different kinds Turquoise and gemstone Rough material,beads,cabochons,carved,necklace,bracelet and bangle,pendant,earrings,rings and fashion style turquoise and gemstone inlay silver/Gold jewelry area. 

     Kindly please send me the design,we can make the same as the design and it is better to calculate the best cost price for you.

    Wecome OEM and ODM order.

    Turquoise material features

    Turquoise is a hydrous phosphate of copper and aluminum and is a phosphate mineral. Generally, it is formed by the precipitation of water flow, and the color ranges from blue and green to light green and light yellow, and the hardness varies greatly. Turquoise has entered the public eye because of its unique and beautiful color and shape. As a colorful gemstone, it has a good decorative effect.

    The most beautiful and attractive thing about turquoise is its unique blue color, blue like the sky over the rain, pure and cool, soft and beautiful, giving people a feeling of freshness, calmness and seclusion. So much so that "turquoise" becomes a standard concentration of blue, which itself is a white gemstone, which is blue due to its basic component copper, and greenish turquoise due to iron-containing oxides.   

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    Turquoise Advantage

    China's turquoise mine source have more than 70% of the world's turquoise rough material resources,So China is one of the main producing areas of turquoise, and it is also the largest producer of turquoise in the world. China Turquoise mine In our country, turquoise is mainly produced in Hubei, Shanxi, Anhui and other places. The turquoise in Hubei is mainly made of webspider rough materials; while in Shanxi it is mainly blue and clean color; Anhui have the top quality as the USA sleeping beauty turquoise.

    The key is that our company has turquoise shares in different places, which means that we have unique turquoise material resources. No matter what kind of quality turquoise our customers need, we can provide customers with satisfactory service in the first time.

    In the turquoise processing sector, our company has in-depth and sincere cooperation with many international experts in turquoise processing technology, with only one purpose to provide our global customers with first-class turquoise materials, turquoise treatment technology, turquoise processing technology, turquoise jewelry finished products. Meeting customer needs and leading the consumer fashion in the field of turquoise is our eternal goal.


    Kompaniya profili

    Shenzhen Hong Zheng technology limited 

    Specialized in developing and producing 100% genuine gemstone Jewellery and have own Turquoise mine;

    Specialized in cutting Turquoise and different kinds gemstone jewelry factory area and have professional workers more than 50 person. 

    Specialized in Making Turquoise and gemstone inlay Silver/Gold Jewelry Factory area.and have professional workers more than 50 person. 

    Bsed on over 30 years cutting gemstone and making gemstone jewelry experiences which can supply thousands different kinds of natural genuine gemstones and inlay 925silver,14Kgold and18K gold jewelry.  

    ZH Gems insists on the use of high-quality materials and advanced technology to manufacture gemstone and jewelry. Besides, we strictly monitor gemstone polished and control the quality and cost of each production process. All this guarantees the product to have high quality and favorable competitive prices and prompt delivery data.

    Cut the order for the Tiffany, QVC and HSN which all delivery the mass quantity gemstone by the standard size, shape, quality from Turquoise/Gemstone beads, cabochons and carved style.

    If you need to purchase natural turquoise and gemstone, please do not hesitate to contact us. Purchasing natural turquoise and gemstone from us will bring you unexpectedly rich quality and profits;

    If you have natural turquoise and gemstone need our help to cut, please contact us directly, our professional in turquoise and gemstone which the cutting process will shock and surprise customers;

    If customers need turquoise and gemstone inlaid gold or silver jewelry, please contact us directly, our exquisite inlay process will make customers nostalgic. 

    ZH Gems deeply convinced that as long as customers agree with us With any business cooperation, we will be a long-term or even a lifetime strategic partner. Our bosses AnnaHe and JeamChen, their first day business clients, are still strategic partners and close friends until 15 years later. Just ask, any client likes to work with a company with such a cultural background.

    ZH Gems has a professional service team to solve problems for customers.This year, there are more than 10 colleagues in our sales department, all of them work hard and serve customers from different regions and cultures in the world. If you are a professional customer, we sincerely welcome your order, any natural stone purchase, and natural stone inlaid jewelry style purchase, We will provide customers with the most satisfactory and thoughtful service.


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    Customer reviews

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    The year is 2012 I start to do the gemstone business, At that time I know the gemstone areaso less. Most of time I leam more and more knowledge from my customer. For this photo they are father and daughter together with my 4 years old daughter, which they come from Germany, they buy some different beads from China to make some craft and art. That time I find more different factores to help us cut the different gemstone beads. From that time to now we all the good friends.

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    The sister and brother come from Thailand, they are very professional in Silver inlay gemstone jewelry, each year purchase some different gemstones from China. We are the good friends and business partners.

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    The old and young brother they come from the Middle East, First time we meet each other by Hongkong, Before we meet we together do the agate beads business have 3 times. I meet them they tell us somebody say China people is very barbarous. I listen and laugh, then ask them: "How about us? Are we barbarous?" They say: "you are nice lady!" So welcome Visit China, here people is very amity.

    Turkuaz hududi 

    â—†  Maxsus tabiiy asl turli xil turkuaz va qimmatbaho toshlar Qo'pol materiallar, boncuklar, kabochonlar, o'yilgan, marjonlarni, bilaguzuk va bilaguzuk, marjonlarni, sirg'alar, uzuklar va moda uslubidagi turkuaz va qimmatbaho toshli naqshli kumush / oltin taqinchoqlar maydoni 

    â—†   Iltimos, menga dizaynni yuboring, biz dizayn bilan bir xil qilishimiz mumkin va siz uchun eng yaxshi narxni hisoblash yaxshiroqdir.

    OEM va ODM buyurtmasiga xush kelibsiz.

    Turkuaz materialining xususiyatlari

    Turkuaz mis va alyuminiyning gidrofosfatidir va fosfat mineralidir. Odatda, u suv oqimining yog'ingarchiliklari natijasida hosil bo'ladi va rangi ko'k va yashildan och yashil va och sariq ranggacha o'zgaradi va qattiqlik juda katta farq qiladi. Turkuaz o'zining noyob va chiroyli rangi va shakli tufayli omma e'tiboriga tushdi. Rangli qimmatbaho tosh sifatida u yaxshi dekorativ effektga ega.

    Turkuazning eng go‘zal va jozibali jihati – uning o‘ziga xos moviy rangi, yomg‘ir ustidagi osmondek moviy, musaffo va salqin, mayin va go‘zalligi, odamlarga tetiklik, xotirjamlik va tanholik tuyg‘usini baxsh etadi. Shunday qilib, "firuza" ko'kning standart kontsentratsiyasiga aylanadi, uning o'zi oq qimmatbaho tosh bo'lib, uning asosiy tarkibiy qismi mis tufayli ko'k va temir o'z ichiga olgan oksidlar tufayli yashil rangli firuza.    

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    Turkuaz afzalligi

    Xitoyning firuza koni manbai dunyodagi firuza qo'pol moddiy resurslarining 70% dan ortig'iga ega, shuning uchun Xitoy firuza ishlab chiqaruvchi asosiy hududlardan biri bo'lib, u dunyodagi eng yirik firuza ishlab chiqaruvchisi hisoblanadi. Xitoy Turkuaz koni Mamlakatimizda firuza asosan Xubey, Shanxi, Anhui va boshqa joylarda ishlab chiqariladi. Xubeydagi firuza, asosan, veb-o'rgimchak qo'pol materiallardan tayyorlangan; Shanxi shahrida esa asosan ko'k va toza rang; Anhui AQShning uyqu go'zalligi turkuaz kabi eng yuqori sifatga ega.

    Asosiysi shundaki, bizning kompaniyamiz turli joylarda firuza ulushlariga ega, bu bizda noyob firuza moddiy resurslarga ega ekanligini anglatadi. Mijozlarimiz qanday sifatli turkuazga muhtoj bo'lishidan qat'i nazar, biz birinchi marta mijozlarga qoniqarli xizmatni taqdim eta olamiz.

    Turkuazni qayta ishlash sohasida bizning kompaniyamiz turkuazni qayta ishlash texnologiyasi bo'yicha ko'plab xalqaro ekspertlar bilan chuqur va samimiy hamkorlik qiladi, faqat bitta maqsad - global mijozlarimizga birinchi darajali firuza materiallari, firuza bilan ishlov berish texnologiyasi, firuzani qayta ishlash texnologiyasi, firuza zargarlik buyumlari tayyor mahsulotlar. Mijozlarning ehtiyojlarini qondirish va firuza sohasida iste'molchi modasini boshqarish bizning abadiy maqsadimizdir.


    Kompaniya profili

    Shenzhen Hong Zheng texnologiyasi cheklangan 

    100% haqiqiy qimmatbaho tosh zargarlik buyumlarini ishlab chiqish va ishlab chiqarishga ixtisoslashgan va o'zining Turkuaz koniga ega;

    Turkuaz va turli xil qimmatbaho toshlar zargarlik buyumlari zavodi maydonini kesishga ixtisoslashgan va 50 dan ortiq professional ishchilarga ega. 

    Turkuaz va qimmatbaho toshlardan yasalgan kumush / oltin zargarlik buyumlarini ishlab chiqarishga ixtisoslashgan va 50 dan ortiq professional ishchilarga ega. 

    30 yildan ortiq qimmatbaho toshlarni kesish va qimmatbaho toshlardan zargarlik buyumlarini yasash tajribasiga ega bo'lib, ular minglab turli xil tabiiy qimmatbaho toshlar va 925 kumush, 14 kg oltin va 18 ming oltin zargarlik buyumlarini taqdim eta oladi.  

    ZH Gems qimmatbaho toshlar va zargarlik buyumlarini ishlab chiqarish uchun yuqori sifatli materiallar va ilg'or texnologiyalardan foydalanishni talab qiladi. Bundan tashqari, biz sayqallangan qimmatbaho toshlarni qat'iy nazorat qilamiz va har bir ishlab chiqarish jarayonining sifati va narxini nazorat qilamiz. Bularning barchasi mahsulotning yuqori sifatli va qulay raqobatbardosh narxlari va tezkor yetkazib berish ma'lumotlariga ega bo'lishini kafolatlaydi.

    Tiffany, QVC va HSN uchun buyurtmani kesib oling, ularning barchasi turkuaz/qimmatbaho tosh boncuklar, kabochonlar va o'yilgan uslubdan standart o'lcham, shakl, sifat bo'yicha qimmatbaho toshlarni yetkazib beradi.

    Agar siz tabiiy firuza va qimmatbaho toshlarni sotib olishingiz kerak bo'lsa, iltimos, biz bilan bog'laning. Bizdan tabiiy firuza va qimmatbaho toshlarni xarid qilish sizga kutilmagan boy sifat va foyda keltiradi;

    Agar sizda tabiiy firuza va qimmatbaho tosh bo'lsa, kesish uchun bizning yordamimiz kerak bo'lsa, iltimos, biz bilan bevosita bog'laning, firuza va qimmatbaho toshlar bo'yicha professionalimiz, kesish jarayoni mijozlarni hayratda qoldiradi va hayratda qoldiradi;

    Mijozlarga firuza va qimmatbaho toshlar bilan bezatilgan oltin yoki kumush taqinchoqlar kerak bo'lsa, biz bilan bevosita bog'laning, bizning ajoyib inley jarayonimiz mijozlarni nostaljik qiladi. 

    ZH Gems, mijozlar biz bilan rozi ekan, har qanday biznes hamkorligida biz uzoq muddatli yoki hatto umr bo'yi strategik sherik bo'lamiz, deb chuqur amin. Bizning xo'jayinlarimiz AnnaHe va JeamChen, ularning birinchi kunlik biznes mijozlari, 15 yildan keyin ham strategik hamkorlar va yaqin do'stlardir. Shunchaki so'rang, har qanday mijoz bunday madaniyatli kompaniya bilan ishlashni yaxshi ko'radi.

    ZH Gems mijozlar uchun muammolarni hal qilish uchun professional xizmat ko'rsatish guruhiga ega. Bu yil bizning savdo bo'limimizda 10 dan ortiq hamkasblar bor, ularning barchasi qattiq ishlaydi va dunyoning turli mintaqalari va madaniyatlaridan kelgan mijozlarga xizmat qiladi. Agar siz professional mijoz bo'lsangiz, biz sizning buyurtmangizni, har qanday tabiiy toshni sotib olishni va tabiiy toshdan yasalgan zargarlik buyumlarini sotib olishni chin dildan qabul qilamiz, biz mijozlarga eng qoniqarli va puxta o'ylangan xizmatni taqdim etamiz.


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    Mijozlarning sharhlari

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    Yil 2012 Men qimmatbaho toshlar bilan shug'ullana boshladim, o'sha paytda men qimmatbaho toshlarni kamroq bilaman. Ko'pincha men mijozimdan ko'proq va ko'proq bilimlarni o'rganaman. Bu surat uchun ular Germaniyadan kelgan 4 yoshli qizim bilan ota va qiz bo'lib, hunarmandchilik va san'at yaratish uchun Xitoydan turli xil munchoqlar sotib olishadi. O'sha paytda men turli xil qimmatbaho tosh boncuklarini kesishimizga yordam beradigan boshqa omillarni topdim. O'shandan beri biz hammamiz yaxshi do'stmiz.

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    Opa va uka Tailanddan kelishgan, ular kumush naqshli qimmatbaho toshlar zargarlik buyumlarida juda professional, har yili Xitoydan turli xil qimmatbaho toshlarni sotib olishadi. Biz yaxshi do'stlar va biznes sheriklarimiz.

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    Keksa va yosh birodar, ular Yaqin Sharqdan keladilar, biz bir-birimizni Gonkongda birinchi marta uchratamiz, uchrashishdan oldin biz birga agat boncuk biznesini 3 marta qilamiz. Men ular bilan uchrashaman, ular bizga Xitoy xalqi juda vahshiy ekanligini aytishadi. Men tinglayman va kulaman, keyin ulardan so'rayman: "Biz qanday? Biz vahshiymizmi?" Ular: "Siz yaxshi xonimsiz!" Xush kelibsiz, Xitoyga tashrif buyuring, bu erda odamlar juda do'stona.

    Biz bilan bog'laning
    Kontakt formasida elektron pochta manzilingizni yoki telefon raqamingizni qoldiring, shunda biz sizga dizaynlarimizning keng assortimenti uchun bepul taklif yuborishimiz mumkin!
    Customer service