
ZH gems - Suppliers Batu pirus jeung borongan Pirus Perhiasan Gemstone Company Kusabab 2010 


Gemstone beads fluorite Naturalgemstone Precious

Keyword Name:Gemstone beads fluorite Naturalgemstone Precious Reallygemstone
white and purple  Bracelet beautiful
Main stone:fluorite
Moudle NO: 20220505-06
Place of Origin:china
Brand Name:ZHGems
Size :6-10mm
Weight :normal
Jewelry type: Bracelet
Special treatment:natural oriniga
Special optical effec : Wax and mirror polish
Certificate: GIA    

Gemstone Area 

 Special in natural genuine different kinds Turquoise and gemstone Rough material,beads,cabochons,carved,necklace,bracelet and bangle,pendant,earrings,rings and fashion style turquoise and gemstone inlay silver/Gold jewelry area. 

 Kindly please send me the design,we can make the same as the design and it is better to calculate the best cost price for you.

  Wecome OEM and ODM order.

OEM&ODM Service

◆ OEM&ODM Service

• OEM/ODM is accepted.
• You can choose our designs or provide own artworks for customization.
• Customized logo and label are acceptable.
• Share your thoughts, we will work together for new designs. 

Gem Bracelet  Style

◆ Gemstone Bracelet usual make as:  

1. Simple Beaded Bracelet:
The most minimalist style of bracelets strung with gems.
2. Strap-style bracelet:
It looks like a strap, with gemstones on the strap, usually with a large gemstone or a string of small gemstones in the middle.
3. Chain bracelet:
This style of bracelet is characterized by the fact that the bracelet is a whole chain without other decorations, which is relatively simple and atmospheric.
4. Winding Bracelet:
The characteristic is that a bracelet is wrapped twice more, which creates a visual impact and makes the wrist more slender.
5. Beaded Bracelets:
Beaded bracelets made of natural gemstones in different shapes and sizes.
6. Gem engraved bead bracelets:
engraved bracelets prepared after engraving of various natural gemstones in different shapes and sizes.

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Gemstone Jewelry  Characteristics

Natural genuine gemstone jewelry Characteristics:
The inclusions, scratches and other inclusions of natural gemstones are grown in the formation process of hundreds of millions of years. All natural gemstones will have some defects more or less. This is the identification of natural gemstones and artificial gemstones. important features. The amount and shape of its inclusions determine the price of the gemstone. Even if there are some small flaws in its interior, it will not affect its overall beauty, but is an ironclad proof of pure natural gemstones!   


Profil Perusahaan

Shenzhen Hong Zheng technology limited 

Specialized in developing and producing 100% genuine gemstone Jewellery and have own Turquoise mine;

Specialized in cutting Turquoise and different kinds gemstone jewelry factory area and have professional workers more than 50 person. 

Specialized in Making Turquoise and gemstone inlay Silver/Gold Jewelry Factory area.and have professional workers more than 50 person. 

Bsed on over 30 years cutting gemstone and making gemstone jewelry experiences which can supply thousands different kinds of natural genuine gemstones and inlay 925silver,14Kgold and18K gold jewelry.  

ZH Gems insists on the use of high-quality materials and advanced technology to manufacture gemstone and jewelry. Besides, we strictly monitor gemstone polished and control the quality and cost of each production process. All this guarantees the product to have high quality and favorable competitive prices and prompt delivery data.

Cut the order for the Tiffany, QVC and HSN which all delivery the mass quantity gemstone by the standard size, shape, quality from Turquoise/Gemstone beads, cabochons and carved style.

Upami anjeun kedah mésér pirus alami sareng gemstone, punten ulah ragu ngahubungi kami. Meuli pirus alami sareng permata ti kami bakal mawa kualitas anu teu kaduga sareng kauntungan;

Upami anjeun ngagaduhan pirus sareng gemse peryogi bantosan kami pikeun motong, mangga ngahubungi kami, profésional kami di turquoise anu mana pengobatan pelanggaran;

Upami konsumén peryogi turqoisis sareng gelostone arlide equide atanapi perhiasan pérak, punten wartosan kami langsung, prosés inlay kami anu diflay kami bakal ngadamel palanggan nostalgia. 

Zh gems pisan yakin yén salami para nasabah sareng kami sareng gawé bisnis, urang bakal janten jangka panjang atanapi bahkan pasangan strategis hirupna. Boss kami Anahe sareng baramchen, klien usaha munggaran, masih pitak strategi sareng babaturan dugi ka 15 taun saatos. Ngan ukur, naon waé kénéhan naon waé gawé bareng sareng hiji perusahaan anu latar budaya sapertos kitu.

Zh Gys ngagaduhan tim jasa profésional pikeun ngajawab masalah pikeun para nasabah .TEMAY, aya langkung ti 10 kolega anu jual urang, sadayana tiasa dianggo sareng budaya anu béda sareng budaya anu gedé, di pasar sareng budaya anu sanés di dunya. Upami anjeun mangrupikeun nasabah profésional, kami tulus Ngabagemor pesenan anjeun, mésér batu alami, sareng mésér gaya perhiasan alam, kami bakal nyayogikeun palanggan sareng jasa anu paling nyuguhan sareng wijaksana.


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Ulasan pelanggan

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Taun ieu 2012 anu kuring mimiti ngalakukeun bisnis permchone, dina waktos éta kuring terang ayana permetaan kurang. Kalolobaan waktos kuring leam langkung seueur sareng langkung ilmu ti customer kuring. Pikeun poto ieu aranjeunna bapa sareng putri babarengan sareng Putri umur 4 taun, anu aranjeunna asalna ti Jerman, aranjeunna mésér sababaraha manmur anu béda ti China ngadamel sababaraha karajinan sareng karen. Éta waktos kuring mendakan faktor anu langkung ageung pikeun ngabantosan kami motong manik. Ti waktos éta ka ayeuna urang sadayana babaturan anu saé.

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Adin sareng adi asalna ti Thailand, aranjeunna profone pisan di perhiasan kalimepry pérak, unggal taun mésér sababaraha raoseun anu béda ti Cina. Kami babaturan alus sareng mitra bisnis.

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Lanceuk na sareng budak awéwé aranjeunna asalna ti Wétan Tengah, pertama kalina urang pendak sareng Hongkong, sateuacan urang pendak sareng urang bisnis gaduh 3 kali. Kuring pendak aranjeunna aranjeunna nyarioskeun ka urang nyatakeun jalma Cina Kuring ngadangukeun sareng seuri, teras naroskeun aranjeunna: "Kumaha ngeunaan urang? Naha urang henteu?" Aranjeunna ngomong: "Anjeun neneng awéwé!" Janten Nampi kunjungan kunjungan Cina, di dieu urang sadar.

Upami anjeun gaduh seueur patarosan, nyerat ka kami
Ngan ngantunkeun email atanapi nomer telepon anjeun dina bentuk kontak supados urang tiasa ngintunkeun anjeun FREE kanggo rupa-rupa desain kami!
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