
ZH Gems - Turquoise Stone Suppliers ma Fa'atau A'oa'o Turquoise Jewelry Gemstone Kamupani Talu mai 2010 

Reallygemstone Gemstone purple Bangle sugilite size10*14mm Precious 1
Reallygemstone Gemstone purple Bangle sugilite size10*14mm Precious 2
Reallygemstone Gemstone purple Bangle sugilite size10*14mm Precious 3
Reallygemstone Gemstone purple Bangle sugilite size10*14mm Precious 4
Reallygemstone Gemstone purple Bangle sugilite size10*14mm Precious 5
Reallygemstone Gemstone purple Bangle sugilite size10*14mm Precious 6
Reallygemstone Gemstone purple Bangle sugilite size10*14mm Precious 1
Reallygemstone Gemstone purple Bangle sugilite size10*14mm Precious 2
Reallygemstone Gemstone purple Bangle sugilite size10*14mm Precious 3
Reallygemstone Gemstone purple Bangle sugilite size10*14mm Precious 4
Reallygemstone Gemstone purple Bangle sugilite size10*14mm Precious 5
Reallygemstone Gemstone purple Bangle sugilite size10*14mm Precious 6

Reallygemstone Gemstone purple Bangle sugilite size10*14mm Precious

Materia: sugilite
Ma'a Autu: sugilite
Numera Numera: 20220505-04
Nofoaga na Afua mai ai: Aferika i Saute
Igoa igoa: ZHGems
Lanu: Viole
Fa'atusa: Fa'apa
Mamafa: masani
Vaega: vaega
Ituaiga Maua: Fa'apa
Togafitiga fa'apitoa: oriniga fa'alenatura
Aafiaga fa'apitoa fa'apitoa : Wax ma fa'ata fa'aiila
Tusi Faamaonia: GIA    


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    Eria Ma'a'a 

    â—†   Fa'apitoa i le natura moni ituaiga eseese Turquoise ma ma'a ma'a ma'a'a'a mea, lopa, cabochons, vaneina, asoa, taulima ma le fa'apaologa, fa'ailoga, tautaliga, mama ma sitaili u'amea turquoise ma ma'a ma'a fa'aofuofu siliva/Eria teuteu auro 

    â—†   Fa'amolemole lafo mai ia te a'u le mamanu, e mafai ona matou faia tutusa ma le mamanu ma e sili atu le fuafuaina o le tau sili ona lelei mo oe.

    â—†   Faʻafeiloaʻi OEM ma ODM poloaiga.

    OEM&Auaunaga ODM

    â—†  OEM&Auaunaga ODM

    • OEM / ODM ua talia.
    • E mafai ona e filifilia a matou mamanu poʻo tuʻuina atu oe lava galuega faʻataʻitaʻi mo le faʻavasegaina.
    • Fa'ailoga fa'apitoa ma fa'ailoga e talia.
    • Faasoa atu ou manatu, o le a tatou galulue faatasi mo mamanu fou 

    Sitaili Fa'ailoga Gem

    â—†  Gemstone Bangle masani ona fai pei:  

    1. Faamanuiaga Bangle :
    E lapotopoto lona foliga, o lona uiga o le fiafia atoatoa, o lea ua ta'ua ai taulima faamanuiaga, e ta'ua foi o le pa lapotopoto.
    2. Taufi Taulima :
    eseese foliga, ma mamanu eseese e eseese uiga.
    3. Palake Taupou :
    O le Concubine banglei o se foliga lapotopoto laʻititi, e fetaui ma le tapulima o le tagata ma sili atu le faʻalelei e ofuina.
    4. Taufi Filemu :
    Peace bangle o lona uiga o le filemu ma le saogalemu. O lenei ituaiga o fusi e sefe ai galuega ma meafaitino. O le mama pito i fafo e lapotopoto ma le mama totonu e mafolafola. E fetaui lelei ma le paʻu ma e talafeagai mo tagata o vaitausaga uma e ofuina.
    5. Nangong Beauty Bangle :
    O lenei ituaiga banglei e matua manifinifi ma matagofie. O le fusi faʻatasi ma se liʻo manifinifi e teuteuina i luga o le tapulima, ma e mafai foi ona faʻaalia ai le matagofie o le sitaili. E fetaui mo teineiti paee.
    6. Bei Gong Bangle :
    O lenei ituaiga o banglepa e gauai atu ai i pito ma tulimanu, o le sui lea o Bei Gong. E tusa ai ma uiga talatala o le itu i matu.
    7. Fa'au Mimi :
    E faia i mamanu mimilo i luga o le pito i luga o se pusa lapotopoto e pei o le taulima faʻamanuiaga, lea e fai ma sui o galuega lelei i totonu o le taulima. O taulima mimilo e taugata ma tulaga ese, aemaise lava e aloese ai mai patupatu.
    8. Peni Patopa Mandarin :
    O taulima pato mandarin e faʻapipiʻi faʻatasi ma mamanu lanu tutusa pe naʻo le faʻapipiʻi, ma o sitaili e le faʻamalosi. E fai ma faatusa o le faamaoni ma le alofa e faavavau, ma e faatusaina ai foi le fai faatasi o mea lelei.
    9. Pogi Auro :
    O ma'a tāua fa'alenatura e teuteuina i fa'aofuofu auro. E masani lava, a mae'a ona gau fa'afuase'i taulima iasepi po'o iai fo'i nisi mea fa'aletonu, e fa'apipi'i i u'amea e fo'ia pe ufiufi ai nei fa'afitauli. E le gata o le faʻaleleia o le aʻafiaga e maua, ae faʻapea foi le lagona o le mamanu ua faʻaopoopoina, lea e sili atu ona faʻalelei.    

    Reallygemstone Gemstone purple Bangle sugilite size10*14mm Precious 7

    Reallygemstone Gemstone purple Bangle sugilite size10*14mm Precious 8

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    Reallygemstone Gemstone purple Bangle sugilite size10*14mm Precious 15

    Reallygemstone Gemstone purple Bangle sugilite size10*14mm Precious 16

    Teuga Maa Taua  Tusai

    Teuga ma'a tāua faanatura Uiga:
    O mea faʻapipiʻi, maosi ma isi mea faʻapipiʻi o maʻa maʻa masani e tupu aʻe i le faʻavaeina o le selau miliona o tausaga. O ma'a fa'anatura uma o le ai ai ni fa'aletonu e sili atu pe itiiti. O le faʻamaoniga lea o maʻa masani ma maʻa faʻapitoa. vaega taua. O le aofaʻi ma foliga o ana mea faʻapipiʻi e fuafua ai le tau o le maʻa taua. E tusa lava pe i ai ni nai faaletonu laiti i totonu, o le a le afaina ai lona matagofie atoa, ae o se faʻamaoniga uʻamea o maʻa masani masani!


    Fa'amatalaga a le Kamupani

    Shenzhen Hong Zheng tekinolosi faatapulaaina 

    Faʻapitoa i le atinaʻeina ma le gaosia o 100% moni maʻa maʻa maʻa ma maua lava Turquoise mine;

    Faʻapitoa i le tipiina o Turquoise ma ituaiga eseese o maʻa maʻa maʻa maʻa maa ma maua tagata faigaluega faʻapolofesa sili atu i le 50 tagata. 

    Faʻapitoa i le Faia o Turquoise ma maa maʻa faʻapipiʻi Silver/Gold Jewelry Factory area.and maua tagata faigaluega faʻapolofesa sili atu i le 50 tagata 

    Bsed i luga o le 30 tausaga o tipiina maa maa maa maa maa maa taua aafiaga e mafai ona tuuina atu le faitau afe o ituaiga eseese o maa taua moni ma inlay 925 siliva, 14Kgold ma18K auro teuga.  

    ZH Gems faʻamalosia le faʻaogaina o mea e sili ona lelei ma tekinolosi faʻapitoa e gaosia ai maʻa ma mea teuteu. E le gata i lea, matou te mataʻituina lelei maʻa maʻa ma pulea le lelei ma le tau o gaosiga taʻitasi. O nei mea uma e faʻamaonia ai le oloa e maua ai le maualuga ma le lelei o tau faʻatauvaʻa ma faʻamatalaga vave tuʻuina atu.

    'Oti le fa'atonuga mo le Tiffany, QVC ma le HSN o lo'o tu'uina atu uma le tele o ma'a taua e ala i le lapo'a masani, foliga, lelei mai le Turquoise / Gemstone beads, cabochons ma sitaili vaneina.

    Afai e te manaʻomia le faʻatauina o turquoise masani ma maʻa taua, faamolemole aua le faatuai e faʻafesoʻotaʻi matou. O le fa'atauina o turquoise fa'anatura ma ma'a taua mai ia i matou o le a fa'afuase'i ona e maua ai le lelei ma le manuia;

    Afai ei ai sau turquoise natura ma maa taua e manaʻomia la matou fesoasoani e tipi, faʻamolemole faʻafesoʻotaʻi saʻo mai, o matou tagata tomai faapitoa i le turquoise ma le maʻa taua lea o le a faʻateʻia ma faateia tagata faʻatau;

    Afai e manaʻomia e le au faʻatau le turquoise ma le maa taua o loʻo faʻapipiʻiina auro poʻo siliva, faʻamolemole faʻafesoʻotaʻi saʻo mai, o la matou faʻagasologa matagofie o le a faʻafefe ai tagata faʻatau. 

    Ua matua'i talitonuina e ZH Gems pe afai e malilie tagata fa'atau ma i matou I so'o se felagolagomai fa'apisinisi, o le a avea i matou ma se paaga fa'ata'ita'i umi po'o se olaga atoa. O matou pule o AnnaHe ma JeamChen, o latou pisinisi pisinisi aso muamua, o loʻo avea pea ma paaga faʻapitoa ma uo vavalalata seia oʻo i le 15 tausaga mulimuli ane. Na'o le fesili, so'o se tagata o tausia e fiafia e faigaluega ma se kamupani e iai fa'aleaganu'u fa'apea.

    O le ZH Gems o loʻo i ai se 'auʻaunaga faʻapolofesa e foia faʻafitauli mo tagata faʻatau.O lenei tausaga, e sili atu nai lo le 10 paaga i la matou matagaluega faʻatau, latou te galulue malosi uma ma tautua tagata faʻatau mai itulagi ma aganuu eseese i le lalolagi. Afai o oe o se tagata faʻatau faʻapolofesa, matou te faʻafeiloaʻi ma le faʻamaoni lau faʻatonuga, soʻo se faʻatauga maʻa faʻanatura, ma faʻatauga faʻatau teuteu maʻa masani, Matou te tuʻuina atu i tagata faʻatau le auaunaga sili ona faamalieina ma le mafaufau.


    Reallygemstone Gemstone purple Bangle sugilite size10*14mm Precious 17                
    Reallygemstone Gemstone purple Bangle sugilite size10*14mm Precious 18                
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    Iloiloga a tagata faatau

    Reallygemstone Gemstone purple Bangle sugilite size10*14mm Precious 21                

    O le tausaga o le 2012 na amata ai ona ou faia le pisinisi maa taua, I lena taimi ou te iloa le maa taua e itiiti ifo. O le tele o taimi ou te aʻoaʻoina atili ma sili atu le malamalama mai laʻu tagata faʻatau. Mo lenei ata o la'ua o tama ma la'u tama teine ​​fa'atasi ma la'u tama teine ​​e 4 tausaga le matua, lea e sau mai Siamani, latou te fa'atau mai ni lopa eseese mai Saina e fai ai ni galuega taulima ma faatufugaga. O le taimi lena ou te maua ai le tele o mea eseese e fesoasoani ia i matou e tipi ese maa maa taua. Mai lena taimi e oo mai i le taimi nei i tatou uma o uo lelei.

    Reallygemstone Gemstone purple Bangle sugilite size10*14mm Precious 22                

    O le tuafafine ma le tuagane e sau mai Taialani, latou te matua faʻapolofesa i Silver inlay teuga maa taua, i tausaga taʻitasi faʻatau mai ni maʻa maʻa eseese mai Saina. O i matou o uo lelei ma paaga faapisinisi.

    Reallygemstone Gemstone purple Bangle sugilite size10*14mm Precious 23                

    O le uso matua ma le uso laititi e sau mai Sasaʻe Tutotonu, O le taimi muamua matou te feiloaʻi ai i Hongkong, Ae matou te leʻi feiloaʻi matou te faia faʻatasi le pisinisi agate beads e 3 taimi. Ou te feiloai ia i latou latou fai mai se tasi e fai mai tagata Saina e matua faʻatauvaʻa. Ou te faalogo ma ata, ona ou fesili atu lea ia i latou: "Ae faapefea tatou? O tatou ea?" Latou te fai mai: "O oe o se tamaitai lelei!" Faʻafeiloaʻi mai Asiasi Saina, o iinei e matua faʻafeiloaʻi tagata.

    Gemstone Area 

     Special in natural genuine different kinds Turquoise and gemstone Rough material,beads,cabochons,carved,necklace,bracelet and bangle,pendant,earrings,rings and fashion style turquoise and gemstone inlay silver/Gold jewelry area. 

     Kindly please send me the design,we can make the same as the design and it is better to calculate the best cost price for you.

      Wecome OEM and ODM order.

    Om&ODM Service

    ◆ Om&ODM Service

    • OEM/ODM is accepted.
    • You can choose our designs or provide own artworks for customization.
    • Customized logo and label are acceptable.
    • Share your thoughts, we will work together for new designs. 

    Gem Bangle Style

    ◆ Gemstone Bangle usual make as:  

    1. Blessing Bangle :
    It is round in shape, meaning complete happiness, so it is called blessing bracelet, also called round bar.
    2. Craft Bangle :
    various shapes, and different patterns have different meanings.
    3. Concubine Bangle :
    The Concubine bangleis a slightly round shape, which fits the human wrist and is more comfortable to wear.
    4. Peace Bangle :
    Peace banglemeans peace and security. This type of banglesaves labor and material. The outer ring is round and the inner ring is flat. It fits well with the skin and is suitable for people of all ages to wear.
    5.Nangong Beauty Bangle :
    This kind of bangleis very thin and exquisite. The banglewith a thin circle is decorated on the wrist, and it can also show the beauty of the style. Suitable for thin girls.
    6. Bei Gong Bangle :
    This kind of banglepays attention to the edges and corners, which is the representative of Bei Gong. In line with the rough temperament of the north.
    7. Twist Bangle :
    It is made of twisted patterns on the surface of a round banglelike the blessing bracelet, which is the representative of fine workmanship in the bracelet. Twist bracelets are expensive and unique, especially to avoid bumps.
    8. Mandarin Duck Bangle :
    The mandarin duck bracelets are paired with similar color patterns or just complementary, and the styles are not rigid. It symbolizes loyalty and eternal love, and it also symbolizes the pairing of good things.
    9. Gold Bangle :
    Natural gemstones are decorated with gold inlays. Generally, after the jade bracelets are accidentally broken or have other artificial flaws, they are inlaid with metal to remedy or cover up these problems. Not only the remedial effect is obtained, but also the sense of design is added, which is more fashionable.   

    Reallygemstone Gemstone purple Bangle sugilite size10*14mm Precious 24

    Reallygemstone Gemstone purple Bangle sugilite size10*14mm Precious 25

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    Gemstone Jewelry  Characteristics

    Natural genuine gemstone jewelry Characteristics:
    The inclusions, scratches and other inclusions of natural gemstones are grown in the formation process of hundreds of millions of years. All natural gemstones will have some defects more or less. This is the identification of natural gemstones and artificial gemstones. important features. The amount and shape of its inclusions determine the price of the gemstone. Even if there are some small flaws in its interior, it will not affect its overall beauty, but is an ironclad proof of pure natural gemstones!


    Kamupani Faasologa

    Shenzhen Hong Zheng technology limited 

    Specialized in developing and producing 100% genuine gemstone Jewellery and have own Turquoise mine;

    Specialized in cutting Turquoise and different kinds gemstone jewelry factory area and have professional workers more than 50 person. 

    Specialized in Making Turquoise and gemstone inlay Silver/Gold Jewelry Factory area.and have professional workers more than 50 person. 

    Bsed on over 30 years cutting gemstone and making gemstone jewelry experiences which can supply thousands different kinds of natural genuine gemstones and inlay 925silver,14Kgold and18K gold jewelry.  

    Zh fanua o loʻo tausisia le faʻaaogaina o mea-uiga maualuga ma alualu i luma tekinolosi e gaosia ai le gemtones geltune ma mea teuteu. Ae le gata i lea, tatou te matuaʻilia le maʻa manulele o loʻo piopine ma pulea le lelei ma le tau o gaosiga taʻitasi gaosiga. O lenei mea uma e faʻamaonia ai le oloa e maua ai le maualuga lelei ma le lelei tauvaga tau ma vave tuʻuina atu faʻamaumauga.

    Oti le faʻatonuga mo le Tiffany, QVC ma HSN o loʻo momoli uma le tele o le tele o le tele o le tele o le faʻavae, foliga, lelei ma carquchons ma carsty beads.

    Afai e te manaʻomia le faʻatauina o le tulaga faʻalenatura ma gemstone, faʻamolemole aua e te faʻatuatuʻi faʻafesoʻotaʻi mai. Faʻatau mai le tino masani ma le gemstone mai le US o le a aumaia oe e faʻaosofia lelei le aoga ma manuia;

    If you have natural turquoise and gemstone need our help to cut, please contact us directly, our professional in turquoise and gemstone which the cutting process will shock and surprise customers;

    If customers need turquoise and gemstone inlaid gold or silver jewelry, please contact us directly, our exquisite inlay process will make customers nostalgic. 

    ZH Gems deeply convinced that as long as customers agree with us With any business cooperation, we will be a long-term or even a lifetime strategic partner. Our bosses AnnaHe and JeamChen, their first day business clients, are still strategic partners and close friends until 15 years later. Just ask, any client likes to work with a company with such a cultural background.

    ZH Gems has a professional service team to solve problems for customers.This year, there are more than 10 colleagues in our sales department, all of them work hard and serve customers from different regions and cultures in the world. If you are a professional customer, we sincerely welcome your order, any natural stone purchase, and natural stone inlaid jewelry style purchase, We will provide customers with the most satisfactory and thoughtful service.


    Reallygemstone Gemstone purple Bangle sugilite size10*14mm Precious 34         
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    Customer reviews

    Reallygemstone Gemstone purple Bangle sugilite size10*14mm Precious 38         

    The year is 2012 I start to do the gemstone business, At that time I know the gemstone areaso less. Most of time I leam more and more knowledge from my customer. For this photo they are father and daughter together with my 4 years old daughter, which they come from Germany, they buy some different beads from China to make some craft and art. That time I find more different factores to help us cut the different gemstone beads. From that time to now we all the good friends.

    Reallygemstone Gemstone purple Bangle sugilite size10*14mm Precious 39         

    The sister and brother come from Thailand, they are very professional in Silver inlay gemstone jewelry, each year purchase some different gemstones from China. We are the good friends and business partners.

    Reallygemstone Gemstone purple Bangle sugilite size10*14mm Precious 40         

    The old and young brother they come from the Middle East, First time we meet each other by Hongkong, Before we meet we together do the agate beads business have 3 times. I meet them they tell us somebody say China people is very barbarous. I listen and laugh, then ask them: "How about us? Are we barbarous?" They say: "you are nice lady!" So welcome Visit China, here people is very amity.

    Ia fesootaʻi ma i i ai
    Na'o le tu'u lau imeli po'o lau numera telefoni ile fomu fa'afeso'ota'i ina ia mafai ona matou tu'uina atu ia te oe se fa'amatalaga e leai se totogi mo le tele o fa'ata'ita'iga!
    Customer service