
ZH Gems - Solaraichean Clach Turquoise agus Companaidh Seudan Seudan Turquoise Slàn-reic Bhon uair sin 2010 


Round shape Lapis Lazuli Ring

Color:Red, orange-red, orange, orange-yellow, yellow, yellow-green, green, blue-green, blue, blue-violet, purple, purple-red and colorful available
Size:any design Gems Jewelry available
Lead Time:usual 3-7days,we can discuss
samples:usual 3 days available
shipping:by UPS / Fedex available
Customization:OEM and ODM  available
Supply Ability:999999pcs per one style/month available
MOQ: usual 100pcs and talking available
Delivery Time:5 weeks
Delivery Port:SHENZHEN
Price Item:usd$5 to usd$500 per one style,and follow the cost available
Payment Way:T/T;Paypal;Western Union available
Application:Marry/Memorial Day/Cultural collection/Gift/Crafts/Birthday/Valentine's Day//Consumer fashion and others

Gemstone Area 

 Special in natural genuine different kinds Turquoise and gemstone Rough material,beads,cabochons,carved,necklace,bracelet and bangle,pendant,earrings,rings and fashion style turquoise and gemstone inlay silver/Gold jewelry area. 

 Kindly please send me the design,we can make the same as the design and it is better to calculate the best cost price for you.

  Wecome OEM and ODM order.

OEM&ODM Service

◆ OEM&ODM Service

• OEM/ODM is accepted.
• You can choose our designs or provide own artworks for customization.
• Customized logo and label are acceptable.
• Share your thoughts, we will work together for new designs. 

Gem Ring Style

◆ Gemstone Ring usual make as:

1.Letters gemstone Ring jewelry
In the Qing Dynasty in my country, there were written rings, such as "Fu", "Lu", "Shou", "Jubilee", "Fa", "Ruyi" and other words on the ring. In ancient Europe, it was called a signature ring. The ring face was wide and large, engraved with the owner's surname or initials of the initials, and some with emblem patterns (family emblems).

2.Inlaid gemstone Ring jewelry
A ring with gold, platinum, silver and other metals as the setting and inlaid with various gemstones is called an inlaid ring. As early as the 17th century, Europeans were inspired by the setting of crown jewels and began to set gems on their wedding rings.

3.Wedding ring (pair ring)gemstone Ring jewelry
Gifting rings at weddings has a long history. Ancient Rome was the first place where men gave rings to their loved ones as a marriage proposal. Made of gold or medium and low-grade gemstones, cast or carved in relief, usually with the Greek word "omonia", which means: harmony.

4.Light ring gemstone Ring jewelry
The light ring, also known as the Tianyuan ring, has no patterns, patterns and inlays, and is mostly made by hand or mechanical hammering. The use of the light ring can be seen everywhere in life, regardless of men, women and children.

5.Flower ring gemstone Ring jewelry
Also known as filigree ring or silk wrap ring, the patterns on it include concentric knots or zodiac signs, etc., each with its own characteristics. Among them, the most characteristic of the design theme is snake and butterfly: the coiled snake is wrapped around the fingers, representing the sacred and eternity. Those who hold this concept are mainly influenced by the ancient Egyptians, who worshipped snakes, and the headdresses of Egyptian queens were mostly snake-themed. The 19th century snake-shaped rings were not scary, but rather funny and cute. They were mostly made of gold, silver, various gemstones and enamels to form unique patterns, with beautiful lines and bright colors.   


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Gemstone Jewelry  Characteristics

Natural genuine gemstone jewelry Characteristics:
The inclusions, scratches and other inclusions of natural gemstones are grown in the formation process of hundreds of millions of years. All natural gemstones will have some defects more or less. This is the identification of natural gemstones and artificial gemstones. important features. The amount and shape of its inclusions determine the price of the gemstone. Even if there are some small flaws in its interior, it will not affect its overall beauty, but is an ironclad proof of pure natural gemstones!  


Pròifil Companaidh

Shenzhen Hong Zheng Taisbeanadh cuingealaichte 

Speisealta ann a bhith a 'leasachadh agus a' dèanamh seudaireachd gemstone 100% agus a 'dèanamh mèinn Turquoise fhèin;

Speisealta ann a bhith a 'gearradh turquoise agus diofar sgìre gemsery wemstorry de sheòrsaichean agus tha luchd-obrach proifeasanta aca nas motha na 50 neach. 

Speisealta ann a bhith a 'dèanamh àite factaraidh seusan-ruaidh agus gemstone Internet Westone. agus tha luchd-obrach proifeasanta ann an còrr air 50 neach. 

Air a thoirt air adhart còrr air 30 bliadhna a 'gearradh eisimpleirean seudan gms a' dèanamh mì-mhath de dhiofar ghèilleadh nàdurrach, 14KGODS agus18K Senwelly.  

Bidh Zh Gems a 'cumail sùil air cleachdadh stuthan àrd-chàileachdail agus teicneòlas adhartach gus Gemstone agus seudaireachd a dhèanamh. A bharrachd air an sin, bidh sinn a 'cumail sùil teann air ablish claisneachd agus smachd a chumail air càileachd agus cosgais gach pròiseas riochdachaidh. Tha na geallaidhean seo uile air an toradh gus prìsean farpaiseach de chàileachd àrd agus fàbharach agus dàta lìbhrigidh sgiobalta a bhith aca.

Gheàrr an òrdugh airson an Tiffany, QVC agus HSN a lìbhrigeas a 'chlach-sheòrsa mòr le meud àbhaisteach, cumadh bho bhìoras àbhaisteach / stoidhle geams.

Ma dh 'fheumas tu tionndadh turquoise nàdarra is gèimhneach a cheannach, na bi leisg fios a chuir thugainn. Bheir ceannach turquoise nàdarra agus gemstone bhuapa càileachd agus prothaidean beairteach ris nach robh dùil ann;

Ma tha feum air turquoise nàdarra agus gèibhean ar cuideachadh a ghearradh, cuir fios thugainn gu dìreach, ar proifeasanta gu dìreach ann an turquoise agus luchd-ceannach a bhios am pròiseas gearraidh a 'cliogadh agus a' cur iongnadh orra;

Ma tha feum aig luchd-ceannach feum tursan is seudan airgid gemstone, cuir fios thugainn gu dìreach, bheir am pròiseas inclay inlay againn cianalas. 

Tha Zh GEMS gu mòr cinnteach cho fad 's a tha luchd-ceannach ag aontachadh leinn le co-obrachadh gnìomhachais sam bith, bidh sinn fada no eadhon na chom-pàirtiche ro-làimh bàillidh fad-ùine. Tha na h-àrd againn Annae agus Jamen, am prìomh latha, aca ri luchd-dèiligidh gnìomhachais, a tha fhathast nan com-pàirtichean ro-innleachdail agus caraidean dlùth gus 15 bliadhna às deidh sin. Dìreach faighnich, is toil le neach-cleachdaidh sam bith a bhith ag obair le companaidh le cùl-fhiosrachadh cho cultarach.

Tha sgioba seirbheis proifeasanta aig Zh Gears gus fuasgladh fhaighinn air duilgheadasan do luchd-ceannach. Tha còrr air 10 dhiubh ag obair gu cruaidh agus a 'frithealadh luchd-ceannach bho dhiofar roinnean agus chultaran san t-saoghal. Ma tha thu nad neach-ceannach proifeasanta, bidh sinn a 'cur fàilte chridheil air an òrdugh agad, ceannach cloiche geal nàdurrach, agus bheir sinn seachad an t-seirbheis as fharsainge agus as smaoinear.


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Lèirmheasan Luchd-ceannach

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Is e 2012 a tha mi a 'tòiseachadh a' dèanamh gnìomhachas gemstone, aig an àm sin tha mi eòlach air an t-eusto clach-ghèirich nach eil nas lugha. A 'mhòr-chuid de ùine tha mi a' toirt barrachd is barrachd eòlais bhon neach-ceannach agam. Airson an dealbh seo tha iad nam athair agus a nighean còmhla ri mo nighean 4 bliadhna, a tha iad a 'tighinn bhon Ghearmailt, bidh iad a' ceannach grìogagan eadar-dhealaichte à Sìona gus beagan ciùird is ealain a dhèanamh. An àm sin tha mi a 'faighinn barrachd air factaraidhean gus ar cuideachadh le bhith gar gearradh na diofar ghràinean clach-ghms. Bhon àm sin gu ruige seo tha sinn uile nan deagh charaidean.

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Tha a 'phiuthar agus a' bhràthair a 'tighinn à Thailand, tha iad gu math proifeasanta ann an Seòras Gemstorry Inlay Wewelry, gach bliadhna a' ceannach cuid de eadar-dhealaichte cuid de dhùthaich gòrlachan à Sìona. Is sinne na deagh charaidean agus na com-pàirtichean gnìomhachais.

Round shape Lapis Lazuli Ring 17         

Tha an seann bhràthair is òg a 'tighinn bhon Ear Mheadhanach, a' chiad uair, bidh sinn a 'coinneachadh ri chèile le Hongkong, mus coinnich sinn ri chèile bidh 12 thusa a' dol còmhla. Bidh mi a 'coinneachadh riutha gu bheil iad ag innse dhuinn cuideigin ag ràdh gu bheil daoine Sìona gu math Barbarous. Bidh mi ag èisteachd agus a 'gàireachdainn, an uairsin faighnich dhaibh: "Dè mu ar deidhinn? A bheil sinn barborrous?" Tha iad ag ràdh: "Tha thu a 'laighe mòinteach!" Mar sin a 'cur fàilte air Sìona, an seo tha daoine gu math Asaity.

Ma tha barrachd cheistean agad, sgrìobh thugainn
Dìreach fàg am post-d no àireamh fòn agad san fhoirm conaltraidh gus an urrainn dhuinn cuòt an-asgaidh a chuir thugad airson an raon farsaing de dhealbhaidhean againn!
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