
ZH Gems - Dobavljači tirkiznog kamena i veleprodaja tirkiznog nakita Gemstone Company Since 2010 

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Hot Charms 925 Silver Craft Jewelry Different Genuine Naturally colors

Naziv ključne riječi: Hot Charms 925 Silver Craft Nakit Različite originalne prirodne boje
Materijal/: kvarc, mop
Glavni kamen: kvarc, mop
Modul NO: 2022042511
Mjesto porijekla: Afganistan, Kina
Naziv robne marke: ZHGems
Boja: višebojna
Oblik: pčele
Veličina: 30*15 mm
Težina: normalna
Jedinica: Komad
Vrsta nakita: Rezbareni & Ornamental
Poseban tretman: prirodna oriniga
Specijalni optički efekat: Vosak i poliranje ogledala
Certifikat: GIA

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    Gemstone Area 

    â—†   Posebno u prirodnim pravim različitim vrstama tirkiza i dragog kamenja Grubi materijal, perle, kabošoni, izrezbareni, ogrlice, narukvice i narukvice, privjesci, naušnice, prstenje i modni stil tirkiz i dragi kamen umetnuti srebrni/zlatni nakit 

    â—†   Molimo pošaljite mi dizajn, možemo napraviti isti kao i dizajn i bolje je izračunati najbolju cijenu za vas.

    â—†   Dobrodošli OEM i ODM narudžbu.

    Srebrna/zlatna boja

    â—†  Boja metala: čisto zlato, 14-karatno zlato, 18-karatno zlato, platina, ružičasto zlato, miao srebro, tibetansko srebro, tajlandsko srebro, rodijumsko, pozlaćeno, 3D tvrdo zlato, 925 srebro crna boja, 925 srebro svijetla boja, miao srebro , tajlandsko srebro, tibetansko srebro i drugi dostupni.

    Srebro  Materića

    â—†  Tip srebra 925:
    #1. Srebro 925 sterlinga: srebro 925 je srebro (92,5%) koje sadrži 925/1000 srebra. Za razliku od tradicionalnog srebra, kako bi se ojačala tvrdoća srebrnog nakita, dodaje se oko 7,5% bakra, tako da će prirodna boja 925 srebra pokazati prljavo bijelo srebro umjesto tradicionalnog srebra. Srebro je nestabilan metal. Ulje na površini zdravih ljudi može održati pravu boju srebra. Ako se ne nosi duže vreme i izlaže vazduhu, požutiće. Sa sedimentomicinom će iznenada pocrniti kada naiđe na hemikalije koje sadrže "sumpor" (poput laka za kosu, sapuna, itd.), pa je to da li nošenje srebrnog nakita može održati pravu boju srebra također manifestacija fizičkog zdravlja.
    #2. Srebro 925 (tajlandsko srebro): Tajlandsko srebro, kao što ime govori, tradicionalni je tajlandski proces obrade srebrnog nakita. Osnovni proces tajlandskog srebra je da nagriza površinu srebrnog nakita, a zatim ga polira da formira crne linije, tako da srebrni nakit ima jedinstven trodimenzionalni efekat.
    #3. Srebro 925 (bijeli rodijum, obično srebro): srebro 925 je srebro 925/1000 plus srebro 75/1000 bakra, što je međunarodno priznati standard za srebro. Srebro 9.999 je drugačije, jer je čistoća srebra 9.999 relativno visoka, veoma je mekano i teško se pravi složen i raznovrstan nakit, ali srebro to može. Sada je srebro obično prekriveno platinom (bijeli rodij) kako bi se spriječilo da srebro postane žuto i crno pod oksidacijom ili vulkanizacijom. Srebro bez platine naziva se obično srebro.
    #4. Srebro 925 (tibetansko srebro): Tibetansko srebro je vrsta tradicionalnih kineskih srebrnih ukrasa. Proizvodi se u Tibetu i okolnim područjima. Ima bogate religijske konotacije i nosilac je želje tibetanaca za opstankom i životom. Odlikuje se delikatnim šarama, ali nije previše poseban u pogledu materijala.


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    Srebrni/zlatni nakit 925  Karakteristike

    Prirodni originalni srebrni/zlatni nakit 925 Karakteristike:
    Inkluzije, ogrebotine i druge inkluzije prirodnog 925 srebra/zlata uzgajaju se u procesu formiranja stotinama miliona godina. Sva prirodna 925 srebra/zlata će imati manje ili više nedostataka. Ovo je identifikacija prirodnog 925 srebra/zlata i umjetnog 925 srebra/zlata. važne karakteristike. Količina i oblik njegovih inkluzija određuju cijenu 925 srebra/zlata. Čak i ako ima nekih malih nedostataka u njegovoj unutrašnjosti, to neće uticati na njegovu ukupnu ljepotu, ali je čvrst dokaz čistog prirodnog 925 srebra/zlata!    


    profil kompanije

    Shenzhen Hong Zheng tehnologija ograničena 

    Specijalizirani za razvoj i proizvodnju 100% pravog nakita od dragog kamenja i posjeduju vlastiti rudnik tirkiz;

    Specijalizirana za rezanje tirkizne boje i različitih vrsta dragulja u tvornici nakita i ima profesionalne radnike više od 50 osoba 

    Specijalizirana za izradu tirkiznih i dragih kamena umetnutih u tvornicu srebrnog/zlatnog nakita area.i imaju profesionalne radnike više od 50 osoba 

    Zasnovan na više od 30 godina iskustva u rezanju dragog kamenja i pravljenju nakita od dragog kamenja koji može ponuditi hiljade različitih vrsta prirodnog pravog dragog kamenja i umetnuti nakit od 925 srebra, 14 kg zlata i 18 karata zlata  

    ZH Gems insistira na upotrebi visokokvalitetnih materijala i napredne tehnologije za proizvodnju dragog kamenja i nakita. Osim toga, strogo pratimo polirani dragi kamen i kontroliramo kvalitetu i cijenu svakog proizvodnog procesa. Sve ovo garantuje da proizvod ima visok kvalitet i povoljne konkurentne cene i brze podatke o isporuci.

    Izrežite narudžbu za Tiffany, QVC i HSN koji isporučuju veliku količinu dragog kamenja standardne veličine, oblika, kvaliteta od perli tirkiz/dragog kamena, kabošona i rezbarenog stila.

    Ako trebate kupiti prirodni tirkiz i dragi kamen, slobodno nas kontaktirajte. Kupovina prirodnog tirkiza i dragog kamena od nas će Vam doneti neočekivano bogat kvalitet i profit;

    Ako imate prirodni tirkiz i dragi kamen, potrebna vam je naša pomoć za rezanje, kontaktirajte nas direktno, našeg profesionalca za tirkiz i dragi kamen koji će proces rezanja šokirati i iznenaditi kupce;

    Ako kupcima trebaju tirkiz i dragi kamen umetnuti zlatni ili srebrni nakit, kontaktirajte nas direktno, naš izvrstan proces umetanja učinit će kupce nostalgičnima 

    ZH Gems duboko je uvjeren da ćemo sve dok se kupci slažu s nama, u svakoj poslovnoj saradnji, biti dugoročni ili čak doživotni strateški partner. Naši šefovi AnnaHe i JeamChen, njihovi prvi poslovni klijenti, i dalje su strateški partneri i bliski prijatelji sve do 15 godina kasnije. Samo pitajte, svaki klijent voli da radi sa kompanijom koja ima takvu kulturnu pozadinu.

    ZH Gems ima profesionalni servisni tim za rješavanje problema kupaca. Ove godine ima više od 10 kolega u našem odjelu prodaje, svi vrijedno rade i služe kupcima iz različitih regija i kultura u svijetu. Ako ste profesionalni kupac, iskreno pozdravljamo vašu narudžbu, bilo kakvu kupovinu prirodnog kamena i kupovinu u stilu nakita umetnutog prirodnog kamena, kupcima ćemo pružiti najzadovoljavajuću i najpažljiviju uslugu.


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    Recenzije kupaca

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    Godina je 2012. Počinjem da se bavim poslovima s dragim kamenjem, u to vrijeme manje poznajem područja dragog kamenja. Većinu vremena učim sve više i više znanja od svojih kupaca. Za ovu fotografiju oni su otac i ćerka zajedno sa mojom ćerkom od 4 godine, koja dolazi iz Nemačke, kupuju razne perle iz Kine da bi napravili neki zanat i umetnost. Tada sam pronašao više različitih faktora koji će nam pomoći da izrežemo različite perle od dragog kamenja. Od tada do danas svi smo dobri prijatelji.

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    Sestra i brat dolaze iz Tajlanda, vrlo su profesionalni u srebrnom umetnutom nakitu od dragog kamenja, svake godine kupuju različito drago kamenje iz Kine. Dobri smo prijatelji i poslovni partneri.

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    Stari i mladi brat dolaze sa Bliskog istoka, prvi put se sretnemo u Hongkongu, prije nego što se sretnemo zajedno radimo s perlama od ahata 3 puta. Sretnem ih, oni nam kažu da je neko rekao da su Kinezi veoma varvarski. Slušam i smijem se, pa ih pitam: "A mi? Jesmo li mi varvari?" Kažu: "Vi ste fina dama!" Dakle, dobrodošli Posjetite Kinu, ovdje su ljudi vrlo ljubazni.

    Gemstone Area 

     Special in natural genuine different kinds Turquoise and gemstone Rough material,beads,cabochons,carved,necklace,bracelet and bangle,pendant,earrings,rings and fashion style turquoise and gemstone inlay silver/Gold jewelry area. 

     Kindly please send me the design,we can make the same as the design and it is better to calculate the best cost price for you.

      Wecome OEM and ODM order.

    Silver/Gold Color

    ◆ Metal Color: pure gold, 14K gold,18k gold, platinum, rose gold, Miao silver, Tibetan silver, Thai silver, rhodium-plated, gold-plated, 3D hard gold, 925 silver black color, 925 silver light color,Miao silver, Thai silver, Tibetan silver and others available.

    Silver  Material

    ◆ 925 silver type:
    #1. 925 sterling silver: 925 sterling silver is silver (92.5%) containing 925/1000 of silver. Unlike traditional silver, in order to strengthen the hardness of silver jewelry, about 7.5% copper is added, so The natural color of 925 silver will show off-white silver instead of traditional silver. Silver is an unstable metal. The oil on the surface of healthy people can maintain the true color of silver. If it is not worn for a long time and exposed to the air, it will turn yellow. With sedimentomycin, it will suddenly turn black when it encounters chemicals containing "sulfur" (such as hairspray, soap, etc.), so whether wearing silver jewelry can maintain the true color of silver is also a manifestation of physical health.
    #2. 925 sterling silver (Thai silver): Thai silver, as the name suggests, is a traditional Thai silver jewelry processing process. The basic process of Thai silver is to corrode the surface of silver jewelry, and then polish it to form black lines, so that silver jewelry has a unique three-dimensional effect.
    #3. 925 silver (white rhodium, plain silver): 925 silver is 925/1000 silver plus 75/1000 copper sterling silver, which is an internationally recognized sterling silver standard. 9.999 silver is different, because the purity of 9.999 silver is relatively high, it is very soft and difficult to make complex and diverse jewelry, but silver can do it. Now, silver is usually plated with platinum (white rhodium) to prevent the silver from turning yellow and black under oxidation or vulcanization. Silver without platinum plating is called plain silver.
    #4. 925 silver (Tibetan silver): Tibetan silver is a kind of traditional Chinese silver ornaments. It is produced in Tibet and surrounding areas. It has rich religious connotations and is the carrier of the Tibetan people's desire for survival and life. It is characterized by delicate patterns, but not too particular about materials.


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    925 silver/Gold Jewelry  Characteristics

    Natural genuine 925 silver/Gold jewelry Characteristics:
    The inclusions, scratches and other inclusions of natural 925 silver/Golds are grown in the formation process of hundreds of millions of years. All natural 925 silver/Golds will have some defects more or less. This is the identification of natural 925 silver/Golds and artificial 925 silver/Golds. important features. The amount and shape of its inclusions determine the price of the 925 silver/Gold. Even if there are some small flaws in its interior, it will not affect its overall beauty, but is an ironclad proof of pure natural 925 silver/Golds!   


    profil kompanije

    Shenzhen Hong Zheng technology limited 

    Specialized in developing and producing 100% genuine gemstone Jewellery and have own Turquoise mine;

    Specialized in cutting Turquoise and different kinds gemstone jewelry factory area and have professional workers more than 50 person. 

    Specialized in Making Turquoise and gemstone inlay Silver/Gold Jewelry Factory area.and have professional workers more than 50 person. 

    Bsed on over 30 years cutting gemstone and making gemstone jewelry experiences which can supply thousands different kinds of natural genuine gemstones and inlay 925silver,14Kgold and18K gold jewelry.  

    ZH Gems insists on the use of high-quality materials and advanced technology to manufacture gemstone and jewelry. Besides, we strictly monitor gemstone polished and control the quality and cost of each production process. All this guarantees the product to have high quality and favorable competitive prices and prompt delivery data.

    Cut the order for the Tiffany, QVC and HSN which all delivery the mass quantity gemstone by the standard size, shape, quality from Turquoise/Gemstone beads, cabochons and carved style.

    If you need to purchase natural turquoise and gemstone, please do not hesitate to contact us. Purchasing natural turquoise and gemstone from us will bring you unexpectedly rich quality and profits;

    If you have natural turquoise and gemstone need our help to cut, please contact us directly, our professional in turquoise and gemstone which the cutting process will shock and surprise customers;

    If customers need turquoise and gemstone inlaid gold or silver jewelry, please contact us directly, our exquisite inlay process will make customers nostalgic. 

    ZH Gems deeply convinced that as long as customers agree with us With any business cooperation, we will be a long-term or even a lifetime strategic partner. Our bosses AnnaHe and JeamChen, their first day business clients, are still strategic partners and close friends until 15 years later. Just ask, any client likes to work with a company with such a cultural background.

    ZH Gems has a professional service team to solve problems for customers.This year, there are more than 10 colleagues in our sales department, all of them work hard and serve customers from different regions and cultures in the world. If you are a professional customer, we sincerely welcome your order, any natural stone purchase, and natural stone inlaid jewelry style purchase, We will provide customers with the most satisfactory and thoughtful service.


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    Customer reviews

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    The year is 2012 I start to do the gemstone business, At that time I know the gemstone areaso less. Most of time I leam more and more knowledge from my customer. For this photo they are father and daughter together with my 4 years old daughter, which they come from Germany, they buy some different beads from China to make some craft and art. That time I find more different factores to help us cut the different gemstone beads. From that time to now we all the good friends.

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    The sister and brother come from Thailand, they are very professional in Silver inlay gemstone jewelry, each year purchase some different gemstones from China. We are the good friends and business partners.

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    The old and young brother they come from the Middle East, First time we meet each other by Hongkong, Before we meet we together do the agate beads business have 3 times. I meet them they tell us somebody say China people is very barbarous. I listen and laugh, then ask them: "How about us? Are we barbarous?" They say: "you are nice lady!" So welcome Visit China, here people is very amity.

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